New Meta Racials with TBC

It’s not faction crying to point out that BE is pretty OP, especially for pallies. If people are rerolling for FotM racials, expect the alliance to get alot smaller. It is what it is.

The mace stun proc is so high the orc racial won’t matter.

I’d say Perception/Stoneform are really great for arena. Not as good as the Arcane Torrent in belves for sure…but both of those are incredible.

Plus, escape artist really starts to shine in arena as well.

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Won’t matter is a stretch, no?

I think it will be a fine racial. We shall see though! :grinning:

TBC will be 80/20 in favor of the horde because their racials are much better in pve. Always ends up this way on TBC servers, anybody who thinks otherwise is uninformed or straight up delusional. You have people stacking world buffs every week for trivial content, yet you don’t think they’re going to choose a race to parse higher?

Blood Elves do be like that yeah.

Think the biggest reason aoe silence was broken in Legion and it got nerfed is because Arcane torrent was off the GCD. It’s still on the GCD in TBC.

What’s the best horde pvp mage? Undead or BE?

Undead still

mages suck in tbc arenas though. so doesn’t matter much.

RPM? Why do you say that they suck?

too many pillars and mobile healers make it impossible to get casts off to finish the other side. death by LoS happens a lot.

Sure but organised cc is still of value, no?

Druid meta will be strong so I guess what they do offer is limited.

sometimes, but los makes mages/hunters really suffer in arenas. meta classes are warrior/rogue/druid.

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They don’t suck, he’s probably trolling or basing his opinion on 1600 rated games where mages have a hard time lining up CC/kills.

In Classic TBC, it’ll probably be Rogue=Lock>Mage>Warrior=Hunter for pure dps classes in arena.

Thinking Warriors are better than Mages in TBC is kind of hilarious, as Warriors will either sit in CC for 90% of the game or flop over and die when trained. They have one of the worst defensive toolkits of all classes in TBC.

It honestly sucks being a horde rogue. I don’t think people understand just how strong human perception is vs horde stealthies.

Rogue race is a big deal.

I’m struggling to honestly decide if I stick with WoTF or take up the Alliance banner again.
Issue is majority of my friends do NOT want to be Alliance, and I know I will be so mad at myself every single time I get matched against a Human rogue and I just cannot win the opener, which when facing other rogues is a HUGE part of the entire fight.

I’m then questioning whether or not WoTF is honestly better than having that aoe silence + 15 energy refund on top of a kick, that is INSANELY strong in it’s own right. This isn’t an easy decision if you really want to be the best you can be.

I don’t love the idea of being handed such a weighted decision when it comes down to the race of my character however, it might honestly be better than that decision not mattering at all.

I think in MMOs it is crucial for everything you personally decide to have meaning. A benefit and a drawback whether or not you are just deciding between aesthetics or player power.

I like the idea that some races are honestly not best suited for each role or playstyle; it does give some sort of race identity, regardless of how niche or broad that might be in the end.

I think there would be far better ways and I understand a want for player race to honestly be erased but this issue still hasn’t been addressed even today in SL so I highly doubt anything will be done about it in TBC Classic.

… 10char

Arcane torrent says “OMG Hi 2 U!”

By season 4 stats will change. Melee will stack Damage not affected by resilience And cheese opponents.

Casters can’t do that.

There’s a difference?