New Meta Racials with TBC

Seeing as how TBCs best arena racials (WoTF/Stoneform) nerf classes that are still stupidly broken with them in the game (Warlocks/Rogues), I really wish we could just pick our racials instead of racials being flat out disabled in arena. It feels so bad playing a race without good racials, and also feels bad playing a race with animations/aesthetics you don’t like just to not feel racial-gimped. Give me Nelf hunter with Stoneform instead of Shadowmeld for TBC arena pls.


If the racials aren’t balanced out for TBC then I’m changing over to a blood elf. AoE silence is so insanely good.

I disagree with that. Ret pallies are beasts in bg’s, and will definitely be capable of helping to form teams that achieve gladiator ratings. They absolutely are not garbage.

they’re definitely not going to top a 2v2 bracket but they have their place

TBC comes out, servers will be 98% horde 2% space goats.

Blizzard just needs to give both sides seal of blood and be done with it. Also buff gift of Naruu and make it an instant cast.

Instant cast gift of naaru would be nice, but it’s also nice to have for baiting interrupts. And having that racial kicked didn’t trigger the cd if I remember correctly. Maybe make it undispellable?

But baiting interrupts with gift of the Naaru was its only real function in BC. :frowning:

You’d cast it so it gets interrupted so you can cast a REAL spell.

Escape artist gets a massive buff in TBC as it becomes instant.

Stoneform however gets a nerf as blind is no longer a poison.

why bother interrupting gift of the naruu? the heal isn’t good and everyone has a castbar addon

Sometimes things are happening really fast and people aren’t looking to see what spell is being casted, just reacting to seeing a cast bar.

I think pve servers will still be alliance heavy. For the most part they have been throughout the course of wow history. People who prefer playing alliance(like me) aren’t gunna go horde for better ret pallies. I will however 100% play on a pve server next time around. Pve servers will be heavy alliance, and pvp servers will be horde pve servers.

Draenei paladin for me. Mostly prot maybe some ret play. Might not be the best but idc I can’t wait to play it again in TBC.

Any advantage no matter how small is worth it. This applies to RL as well. Wars, elections, earning money, fights or survival all have been won by having the advantage big or small.

This mentality has always been there. In TBC it will be no different. Pvp realms will be horde and pve realms will be equal or horde favored as horde racials on pve will still be good and they’ll get fear ward.

Blizzard screwed themselves the first time around by changing the lore and adding blood elves and this time around it’s probably going to be worse. They’re the most popular race.

This is why its not worth looking forward to tbc pvp even if you enjoyed it originally, "Given the opportunity players will optimize the fun out of the game".

I dont think anything more accurate has ever been spoken inside Blizzard HQ?


Stupid short sighted opinion if I ever heard one.

Some players find optimization fun. Who are we to judge?
Not all players care about being optimal. Case in point…me!

And at the end of the day, we are all playing a game made by Blizzard. If they were better at their jobs then things would be more equal. Typical of a sad developer to blame the players for playing a game the way they made it.

Im wondering if people on this forum would play a trashcan filled with dog poop if it had the best racial.
It’s an interesting question, would there be players who would literally be prepared to stare at a dity trashcan on screen… all day… every day, if it gave them an 2% advantage.
Lmao, but yeah it’s all blizzards fault.


People who care more about optimization and superiority over aesthetics would. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But if Blizzard were to offer it as an option, it would reflect more on the game Dev’s inability to create a balanced game, rather than a players choice to be more powerful over anything else.

I’m probably gonna go paladin in TBC so as horde I’m a reroll ether way