New Mage Tower Let Down

You can’t walk into someone’s house, take something, and then tell them they would be a bad person for caring that you took it.

The reward was the trophy for that accomplishment and it was promised it would be exclusive for the people that completed the tasks. That exclusivity has value and it belongs to them, not you, not me.


If only blizzard stuck to this, though. And that’s the rub. Everyone’s acting like any change now would be a precedent, when they already have lots of “time sensitive” content available to the highest bidder in the black market auction house.

None of the stuff in the BMAH is challenge content. No CM sets. No WOD weapons. No mage tower artifact skins. No elite mogs. No KSM mounts. This argument doesn’t work. Time sensitive + challenge content is not in the BMAH and acting like this is equivalent when in reality it is irrelevant hurts your cause more than helps.


that is a very interesting way to look at this as the MT rewards aren’t pie or any other finite resource. me asking to be able to earn them now doesn’t mean yours or anyone else’s go away or gets taken away.


And that is very narcissistic, envious, and selfish way to look at it.

"How come they got a trophy, not fair, I want to feel special too. "

i was just focusing on your “time sensitive” argument. you are correct re: the other pieces, but I was just pointing out that they do plenty of going back on their time sensitive stuff.

And i love how everyone likes to tell others what they think helps or hurts, when isn’t the whole point of forums to express your thoughts/feelings/opinions on topics? why do so many feel the need to act like they are the gatekeepers of what goes on there?

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I have the were bear challenge form. I do not take issue with them offering a reskinned version. I also do not have a problem with the original skins being available.
However, that is based on the challenge modes being just as difficult as they were in Legion. The flex part is not about “Oh! I got this and you can get it now!” It’s “I managed to do it!” That form shows you had a clue how to play your character. It just happens to look awesome and be an easier form to tank in. The difficulty needs to be just as hard. It’s not something I feel everyone should just get for showing up.
I sincerely hope they take this opportunity to add in new Moonkin forms. Were cat and heck even an actual healing form again would be nice.
I think the out rage about the bear form is that it was not a cakewalk. Granted, it was one of the easier challenges , but it was not easy.


you clearly haven’t read the thread in entirety as i have never once talked about needing to feel special. thanks for going out of your way to be so awful to your fellow wow players.

i hope your friday is a good one.

I’m not acting like I’m gatekeeping. I’m pointing out the BMAH is irrelevant. And, as far as I’m aware, nothing that was said (keyword: said) to be time sensitive is in the BMAH. Most of the stuff in the BMAH is stuff lost to things like the Cata revamp, or some kind of casualty from another situation. T3 is only in there because Naxx got moved to Wrath and the old gear was lost in the process. No raid set is time sensitive, so this makes sense.

What else? Tusks of Mannoroth? Super rare, but not time sensitive. What abouuuuuut, certain mounts? None of them are time sensitive, just annoying. The Brutosaur was also removed, and was said to be time sensitive. They put it on the BMAH for about 2 months and then removed it, keeping it in line with the rule.

I cannot think of something on the BMAH that was said to be time sensitive.

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and i definitely don’t want it to be just given out. i want to go through the challenges and work hard at it. I love pushing myself in torghast solo and other solo content to try and get cosmetics and other cool stuff there and I would like to channel that elsewhere.

Yes I have, you are clearly going out of your way to argue they’re not special so you can feel justified in taken them.

It’s disingenuous.

You don’t get to tell people they shouldn’t care about something because you want to take it.


:point_up: This is a good point. You can’t be like “I get they said this, but who cares, really? They shouldn’t care.” When you’re not the one with the thing in question, and they are. You don’t get to tell people how they should feel about things they worked for. That’s not right.


I think the pain is that ,often, when they bring back content it is often nerfed. I won’t lie I would be flat ticked off if a character could walk in and swipe their way to the form. I will save my outrage for when I have experienced the released version. If it is stupid easy I will be at the front of the rage line.

that’s fair and you right that i cannot tell people how to feel–i guess i just think it is silly that the people who are claiming i want to feel special are in actuality the ones who need to feel special.

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It’s the annoying players who aren’t very skilled in game and just want something to flex about.

Like they get to say “ohh man you missed it it was SOOOOOO hard but ya I got it check it out” and new players would be none the wiser.

However if the mage tower stayed and just got scaled with current content people would realized how easy it was. I mean it’s not easy per say but as someone who never tanked in game I got like 4 tank skins including the infamous prot paladin one. Anyone could’ve done ANY of them in under 50 tries towards the end of the expansion anyways.

Like the only real complaint about exclusivity was that void unicorn mount we got when we did the painstaking challenging maze puzzle. That’s always available and has real exclusivity since it’s hard to get. When another model that was easier to get came out that looks almost exactly the same people where justifiably pissed since they felt like there effort was wasted.

If the skins reappeared for the mage tower but the mage tower was wayyyyy easier then it was back at the end of legion then I could see people complaining. But now since the rewards are different it honestly doesn’t matter how difficult it is. The recolor armor sets aren’t that special. It could be wayyy easier and it wouldn’t effect anyone.

I forgot how difficult guardian was compared to the other tank specs tho. I know warriors reflect, monks bull summon, and havocs mobility made them extremely easy to do (havoc being a joke and me doing it in a single try after I did all the other specs just for fun)

i just don’t understand your use of take here. I am not physically or digitally coming to you and trying to remove something from your possession. I think your whole argument is a little weird with your focus on this.


Special and a sense of pride in an accomplishment are not the same. Like I said , the challenge side matters . Try reading what I actually wrote after you get your undies untwisted.

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And now you’re trying to argue exclusivity doesn’t matter. So you can take that.

Same argument, different angle.

considering that they are going to normalize us, I suspect it’s going to be very easy.

we won’t be able to overcome any difficulty with gear, and if they aren’t going to make them so difficult the majority can’t beat it.

so, I think it’s going to be easy.