New Mage Tower Let Down

Maybe you don’t.

But it’s been three years of watching people trying to bully Timmy into giving up his mog with these endless arguments about how he shouldn’t care if they take it from him.

And even after a blue post that clearly explains this:

People are still trying to bully Timmy into giving up his mog.

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nah its the same, they announced it at some point thats all that matters apparently

Because the entire premise of the argument for it coming back boils down to greed and want. Again, it was advertised as time exclusive, expansion exclusive, never to return again. Saying things like “I want it” and all of that, whether you mean to or not, actually is spitting on that premise and on blizzard’s word. Like, to people themselves it’s not greedy, but you’re literally trying to make them break their word for your own gain, which in itself is greedy. Anything for ones own gain is considered to be greedy, regardless of what it actually is.

It means everything. Again, I’m not trying to make Blizzard tarnish their already bad reputation even more. I would rather them try to restore it over cheapen it further.

It applies when it applies, which is for the duration and then afterwards once said items are removed. They get value. To you it might not be valuable, to a collector it very much is valuble. Scarcity is what drives value to most collectors.

Collectors know, and everyone else who is interested knows and will care.

It would change their promise to Legion players like myself, which to me, personally, is everything. Again, I care about nothing more than their word right here in this example.

Because it’s about the preservation of a promise. Again, you seek to destroy and punish which is fine, Idc, you do you. I seek to improve their reputation and care more about that than anything else. This is a start to it.

Cool, and again that’s alright. You are you, and I am me. They are who they are, too.

Yes, in this instance it’s both, as I said before. I am more neutral in this sphere, as I care not whether something is good nor bad, but that balance is there.

I don’t care for just one or the other, again, balance or permanence is more what I look at and yeah. If you build good, cool. If you build bad, cool. In either case I don’t care, only that you stick to something and not go wishy washy.

When watching a show, for example, if there were to be a plumber on said show as the main character then I would rather see them being a plumber on every other episode thereafter unless they got fired from said plumber job. In that case they could do something else, but I would rather see them or hear that they still do plumbing for another company to keep continuity the same.

Not being fake, I care more about balance and sticking to things over being wishy washy and all over the place. Pick a direction, stick to it.

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When the Mage Tower skins were added to the game, they were announced as temporary from the start.

When the Brutosaur was added to the game, it was not mentioned as being temporary. It was further discovered through data mining, not even an official announcement. The official announcement came close to when BfA was ending, giving people no time to earn the gold required for it.

Different cases entirely.

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nah cuz the point being decisions should be permanant and “ya snooze ya lose” mentality

They specifically said “this will never be available again” so they need to hold to that for those specific rewards. Just like the titles you can no longer get. This is a wonderful compromise. I would suggest you get over it.

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So you think we should have to farm nethershards just to enter tw mage tower?

Real life is like that too

Nah, people should be encouraged to continue to share their feedback for as long as they’re subbed (and if they’re posting in GD, they’re subbed). Suggesting that people with differing views should silence themselves only adds more fuel to the toxicity that runs rampant in this community.

You can always ignore posts you don’t want to read, after all.

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I dunno man.

Even as a proponent of the restrictions - your reasons and argument just don’t make sense.

The 100% core truth is that restricted the appearances is punishing to many players.

That’s what I’m in favor of. Not some false narrative that passes off how punishing things are to tons of players just to circumvent the influence my support has in said punishment. But you do you. I get that it helps some people sleep better at night ignoring the harsh truths.

I prefer to embrace it rather than deny it.

Suggesting Blizzard should go back on their word because you’re jelly cause you don’t have a few xmogs adds more fuel to the toxicity that runs rampant in this community.

Say what you wish, but telling people that customers shouldn’t let their opinions be heard until they’re blue in the face is just a form of silencing dissent. Pretty toxic IMO.

Not to mention the fury after [totally warranted] when they then changed it into a fomo thing [the bruto]. That was a dirty switch-a-roo by Blizz. Glad I got it from the vendor but that was dirty by them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure, I’m just saying trying to bully Blizz into breaking a promise they made to us is also pretty toxic.

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this is a fantasy life not real life

they also said they would always be spec locked sooo yeah pretty sure if they said u can have it classwide from the start there woulda been mroe ppl doing them all they made tht desicion after the fact

they also promised the appearances would be spec locked yet after the fact it became classwide if that was the case they should indeed bring it back for those who believed them now dont have the certain mogs for their main specs

Yeah, that was dirty and I still haven’t let that go. I mean I got the mount, because I wanted it from the start, but that doesn’t forgive what they did!

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Can’t believe there are so many people so consumed by jealously that someone else has some pixels that they don’t. Y’all need to grow up lol


Sorry but it’s the people yelling for magetower to come back for years who complain every day. They listened to you crybabies, yet you keep yelling for more…