I’ve seen more than one that finished the MT and wanted it back because they enjoyed it and hated that they could only do it once.
I love the attitude of some of the folks in this game…
I’ve seen more than one that finished the MT and wanted it back because they enjoyed it and hated that they could only do it once.
I love the attitude of some of the folks in this game…
Wasn’t aware that a multi-billion dollar corporation could be bullied by forum posts on a forum system they control. News to me!
It’s not.
It’s people knowing some pixels exist in the game and they’d like to be able to earn those pixels.
It has nothing to do with who or how many other people have said pixels. There’s no jealousy. There’s just a desire to want to earn something in the game.
On the other side though, there are players that want to keep their pixels away from other people for childish and selfish reasons.
Oh I beg to differ lol
Let me translate that for you: jealousy.
On the other side though, there are players that want access to those pixels for childish and selfish reasons.
You can’t be serious. One glance at the 9.1.5 patch notes would tell you very clearly they can be bullied into anything
I don’t care whether you view me as toxic or not.
Exactly, it was for those who played Legion, not for those after.
No, they shouldn’t.
There’s 100% jealousy, because they can’t get them. They want it, but can’t get it, therefore they are jealous once you see the crying on the forums.
No, wanting something similar is fine and would point that out. People said, repeatedly, they want MT and the skins back, those skins, not new ones or remodels. It’s 100% jealousy of those skins.
Because we were promised said pixels. You can paint me however you like, no is still gonna be no. I will deny you that 100% because it was their word they would not return. I don’t care how many peoples’ feelings get hurt by my telling them “No” nor do I care how I look to you guys. I also, again, don’t care how it’s “bad” to keep people out, I will when I’m told of something and said people try to take away part of that value, and the premise made to me. I have no shame, nor feelings regarding people that aren’t my friends or family.
You don’t own them and there is no actual exclusivity. It’s a leasing/rental. You have access to them as long as you pay. If you want to own them then you need to play on your own private server.
^ semantics
Boom, lawyered. File that one under “irrelevant technicalities designed for forum pwnage nobody cares about.”
They should have put a loot table (RNG) on each challenge Wep/Arm/Enchant/Gem/Pet/Mount.
I wish the wow team could give players the opportunity to get the mage tower artifact appearances. Why does it need to be exclusive, aren’t we all paying customers to wow? Unfair to those who haven’t had the time or game back then. slightly_frowning_face:
If they re-released the mage tower appearances again, they’d have to be fair about it and re-release every single other exclusive thing that was promised to go away.
Who does the dude who earned a MoP challenge mode set get to keep their exclusive prize, and I don’t?
I was around during legion but I did not get the mt tower done. I regret it a little, but I support them keeping it exclusive.
I honestly find nothing wrong with having gear that is special in this game. It’s SO boring having everyone run around in the same thing. When stuff is unique, special, limited you get more variety, and when you see that, you know there is some story or memory involved….that’s important to some people.
I mean if people are using it to flaunt and belittle you, that’s stupid, but I have never once experienced that from anyone with those MT items.
And to be honest, you sound like a child who is stomping their feet and crying because they want some other child’s toy. Your attitude is also not appealing.
When something is available to everyone, it is no longer unique and becomes commonplace. Its how this game I love has progressed over the last few years with the homogenization of so many aspects of the game. Every MM hunter in the game is the same as every other MM hunter aside from ilevel and gear. Same stats, same talents, same looks, same abilities. There is less and less chance to have or show any sort of separate identity.
So sure, put everything back, make nothing unique until its all just this bland beige game with no spark, no moment of “wow” when you see a character with something special.
If people can just get past avarice and consider what makes the RP in an MMORPG actually mean something, then we might get back what was so special about this game.
TBH maybe they should just either create a new MT or use the same MT and make different artifact appearances for it to cater to both sides of this argument. I would love more artifact appearances in general!
If I ever return to retail I will refuse to group with the new forms. Or pull for them or just auto attack until I’m kicked.
Because they were advertised as expansion only. Why do they need to come back, instead of recolors or better yet, new ones.
I don’t care whether it’s fair or not. Life isn’t fair. Are you gonna complain about that, too? Things aren’t always fair, nor should they be. Opportunities present themselves, sometimes at good times and sometimes at bad times. Up to the individual how they react and what they do.
You’re not taking away my stuff because you feel it’s unfair. That’ in itself, is unfair to me.
That was an argument to have in Legion, not now. At this point, Blizzard needs to show that they mean what they say. Mage Tower appearances were always exclusive to Legion. Blizz said that clearly when they were introduced. If they go back on that now, then the begging for other exclusives coming back would never end. And they would have lost the credibility to ever have another exclusive in the future.