New Loot System Sucks!

something that is another thing that the company does not care, it is not right that this harmony does not exist as long as there is always a divided community in which everyone or a large majority agrees with their actions.

when I mean totally divided, it is that they always put it in a 50/50 instead of only being more than 90% in agreement or disagreement according to their actions that they do with their games.

in my case I prefer to call it a reluctant acceptance or in Spanish:


This is not how you design an IT system. If the information comes from outside the system, you have to assume most people won’t look up that information. If the timer is shortened to a point where players can’t sim a drop before rolling, they’ll just need everything that might be useful and figure out whether it is after the fact.

When every item is decided by random roll, ninja looting can’t happen. Yes you might feel a person who doesn’t “deserve” an item shouldn’t roll need, but they don’t have to acquiesce to that desire. If there’s something you want and you aren’t in a group where you trust everyone to adhere to an agreed upon loot policy, you should be rolling need.


this is true loot systeme is so bad at the moment ive killed 43 boss and guess what i lost all my roll…and yes ppl roll need for off spec and xmog + friend helping other friend with roll. Its just not doing it for pubs. i had to gear entirely from m+ bottom line its just been a bad experience since the change

That luck could happen with PL all the same. The difference is that with PL you rolled against everyone in the raid; now most items can only be rolled on by certain people and some can even choose to pass. There are still the same number of drops and the same number of raiders. Even if you are getting THAT unlucky, someone else is getting luckier and winning those items.

Just an off item, the equip effect is tanky but the use effect seems healy.

In an organized group, GL is equal or better than everything but #4 on this list.

The fact that ppl roll for other and roll need for xmog and off spec is just wrong abd reducing even more ur chance of winning this systeme is just not good for casual and Pubs player. ive never beem this unlucky with PL im sorry

I’m not sure you could think of anything that 90% of the players would agree with.

Because if I’m not getting anything and the other person got 1 item I’m like ok whatever, but if I won nothing and the other person got 3 items 2 of which they didn’t even need I’m like f*** this.

or disagreement, for what it’s worth, Blizzard can’t give the public a conflict just because of their selfish whim of the company and forcing us to accept their actions no matter what they do.

if that is what matters, because in the end, like any company like a grocery market, they only care about money.

The same thing happened with PL; everyone rolled on every boss before items were even decided. Once the game decided who would receive items, it would separately choose the item each person was given from the boss’s loot table based on the loot spec of the player. If the player wanted to keep that item for offspec or xmog, they could just as easily as they can hit need under the GL system.

Yes, GL can feel worse because of the intent of the player being on full display as opposed to an unfeeling robot dispassionately handing out items. Yes, the difference in loot generation can influence what items you have available to roll on and thus affect your loot acquisition, though that should even out in the wash if you’re PUGing. And with any system dealing with randomness, there will be outliers on both the lucky and unlucky side; it’s possible you are being exceptionally unlucky at the same time as the new system going in.

If you aren’t rolling need on everything you can, this will have an impact on the perceived rate of getting gear compared to PL; remember, with PL you were rolling on every boss before the items were even determined and with absolutely no input from you. So while you will remember getting that worthless cloak on the boss you needed nothing from with PL due to not having a choice, if you choose to greed/pass on anything that drops from that boss to be the team player, that WILL reduce the loot you take home.

At the end of the day, the same number of items are being split between the same number of players. For every unlucky break you get under GL is a lucky break for someone else in the raid. Eventually we’d expect you will have times in which lady luck is on your side. If you’re actively choosing not to need everything you can, you are expressing an intent that is different than what PL forced you to do, and the loot you receive will be impacted accordingly.

To make sure it’s clear, I am not trying to convince you to like the new system. There are definitive pros and cons. To reach levels of gear acquisition similar to PL, you have to need on everything the system allows you to; if you choose not to need on some items you truly don’t, you are choosing to get less item with PL when you had no choice. That is a pretty big con, for sure.

I just want to make sure people understand the new system. Feedback that is easily disproven by players making suboptimal decisions compared to the previous system is unlikely to be considered by Blizzard. Feedback that talks to the downsides of the system that truly do exist have a much better chance of being considered.

Well the new loot system is definitely divisive
But before I was almost guaranteed 1 piece of loot from a given M+ or Raid now I can run endlessly and never get anything.
There’s no perfect loot system, but just having people roll need on everything just cause they can and either selling or trading it to a friend feels really bad.
D3 had pity timers for drops so if you didn’t get a Legendary after a while you would eventually get one. WoW needs something similar, need a way to work towards guaranteed loot. Either with extra roll coins, or some drop from everything that you can eventually turn in for an item you want like S4.


… indeed.

Poeple cant roll need on anything, only on stuff which is their upgrade and usable.

But the system has a big issue in my mind, on LFR people dont roll and that makes looting almost impossible, so you only receive LFR loot on the mail hours later.

There is only a 30 second timer on the loot window if I recall before the loot expires to roll on.

I keet seeing people rolling 265 gear while wearing 272 gear…i mean wtf blizzard

You can’t roll need on everything.

As usual, WoW players are being over dramatic lunatics.

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Well it’s been what 3 or 4 weeks since this last release before Dragonflight. So after having PL for several expansions it seemed everyone got used to getting at least something from a raid. Now whether it was actually useful that’s random but folks did basically got used to getting something. With the current “new” system it does still feel broken and my best example is a Ret Pally rolls need for the Jailer’s Mace makes sense and would seem to be on the higher side of priority but then a 2nd Pally in the raid who is there as a Prot Pally rolls needs for the weapon as well and actually gets the 2H Mace while the Ret Pally mainspec gets nothing. That’s broken.

Personal loot sucked.

Even better when DF hits only 2 gear items will drop overall for every 9 bosses killed.

How about we just give currency for killing bosses and now everyone is treated fairly

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