New Loot System Sucks!

I mean sure, so does that mean Enchanters should be able to need on every item? Because they need it for resources.

Seems legit to me.

There are rules… Just because you’re an enchanter doesn’t mean you can need on everything… I suggest before you continue to comment you go read what the new rules are as they’re not the same as the old rules… that way you won’t embarrass yourself.

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30 seconds is a bit short, but the current 3 minutes is too long. Maybe 60-75 seconds?

I think the only thing they should change is. You can only “Need” one drop. The rest are Greed rolls. If you get 4 pieces of loot that means you beat out other Greed rolls/ won your Need rolls.

That had nothing to do what I ask.

You said people need it, and I said if that is the basis off your logic. Than why are enchanters held back by that same rule set?

The system is stupid in itself. I am all for freedom for guilds to decide how they want to do loot, but outside guilds. It should be personal loot.

All of this gear becomes worthless in 2 weeks when you replace it with quest greens anyways. Xmog carries over into xpac after xpac. If this was the beginning of a tier things would be much much different in competent guilds.

For pugs. You win an item you can do what you want with it. Same as PL.

It has everything to do with what you asked. You have made an assumption that a player can just wantonly need on everything and they can’t. If the system determines that a person can roll need on an item, then yes they should have the freedom to roll need even if they don’t need it. Even if it is just to vendor for the gold.

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Yea we are going to have a meeting tonight and this is going to be one of our discussion topics. Needless to say, I got the feeling I will end up getting most my gear from M+ and stop mythic raiding all together. I just dont have time for loot drama.

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30 seconds is a rather long time, especially when it only takes a few seconds to mouse over the pieces, then click a button. I’d go as far as 45 seconds, personally. Maybe 60.

How long was the old loot timer? :thinking:

Not going to argue. I made a comment based off your logic. Showed a loophole in it. That is all. I did not assume how the system worked.

You can take that for what you will.

IMHO 10sec is a long time. Gota keep people on their toes. Either its an upgrade or not, no time to hold up raid over stupid loot because people do not take the time before raids to figure out what they need.

There was no hole in what I said… I stated if they can roll need, they can… His personal reasons on why they shouldn’t be able to don’t matter… Neither do yours. Now you can continue to just wantonly comment without understand what Blizzard has already stated behind WHY that ‘Like’ button will be allowed… But if you chose to remain ignorant, that is on you.

we need personal loot for pugs.
Loot group for guilds.

please revert this crap of a system.

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The current system on retail is about 3 min IIRC. Classic it feels close to the same, maybe a bit shorter, but it’s more than 2 min.

60 seconds gives you time to potentially run a quick item comparison sim (although this depends on the raidbots queue) to see if the item is actually an upgrade.

it is the problem of the ninja, although many armors like plates or mails in case you are a leather class do not do that option.

it’s simply the result of ninja loots, something stupid Ion Hazzikostas didn’t think of in the return of a system so old that it was better than staying in Old WoW.

It is no longer known what beyond there will be of the future of a healthy and calm Raid without the problem of elitism in the game, but we will see something that even in the social contract they would spit nothing else without caring if they win a ban or not.

Blizzard brings master loot. Oh my god my items let me roll. Blizzard brings back items. Oh my god my items bring back masterloot.

/giant wave of tears

If they didnt bother to run Droptimizer or decide what gear they needed before raid. Then they should not get any gear. If they care that little about their characters gear, IMHO then it should go to players who did put in the effort.

I know this comes off rude to many. But its a pet pea of mine. Some of us put in serious effort for our characters. Those who blunder through the game like Kramer busting through your door from Seinfeld. Clueless as a stump of wood. Then I got no patience for them.

At least with Masterloot you can use EP/GP system and gear is evenly spread out to each player based on the effort and time they spend playing.