New Loot System Sucks!

Good, it’s only meant to show you the story and complete quests anyway.

I made a post about all these concerns a month ago and people said I was full of crap…

Needless to say, I am likely to be getting most my loot from M+ and may eventually just quit raiding with this crap loot system.


Personal Loot behaved the same way as Group Loot. Except, it had its disadvantages:

  • You could run a raid having more people wearing the same armor type to get more drops of that armor type. Something which was exploited and probably used by a lot of boosting communities, though I can’t confirmed if was used by them, I don’t boost, nor do I buy those boost.
  • Someone could get an item that could be a higher ilvl than the current items they have, but with worse stats than what they need. They can’t trade it.

Yes, Group Loot has its disadvantages too. But you know what, the amount of people coming here on the forums people complaining about Group Loot and making up stories isn’t going to make Personal Loot come back, or let alone sound any better.

Plus, I remember the forums when Personal Loot was being added to everything. Same complaints now.

Wouldn’t they have to be resto/ele loot spec and the shield be a str/int one? That’s a useable item for them and a valid roll (at least in the new GL)

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Yep. No clue why this loot system was added back when all that people asked for was to have ML back. Keep personal loot for LFR/LFD but have the raid creators decide to set it for personal or master loot and if they are pugs then it just needs to be listed in the finder what type of loot they will be using so people can decide if they want to apply or not.


Because they don’t want to admit it and you will notice almost all of them just explains on how the system works as they try to sneak around the problem :rofl:


Yep. Heck raid two raids with guildies last week after the change. Rolled on 8 items. Didnt win crap.


There was a shield off the first hombre in SFO that was tank-specific dropping for ele and resto. Now you can pass on it, or greed for the mog. All in all it’s a minor gripe, my point’s just that PL isn’t unanimously better, both methods shine in their own ways. GL just happens to be statistically friendlier to people in this iteration.

Well, blame blizzard for making it switch to int instead of just listing as strength for warriors and paladins.

Just a copy and paste of what I said a month ago…

Personal Loot has not been perfect, but it has however been the best system so far.


  • Easier for Raid Leads
  • Faster since its self admins
  • Prevents/Reduces Player Favoritism with-in the raid team (i.e. forced loot funneling)
  • All loot that drops is at least equip-able
  • Gives player choice of what gear is best for them
  • Ensures everyone has an equal chance of loot


  • Not able to trade gear to other players unless you have same item level or higher equipped. Annoying with rings/neck or trinkets for example due to secondary stats or effects.

Group Loot on the other hand isnt as bad as Master Looter, but it still has its flaws.


  • Promotes raid diversity due to all armor types dropping regardless of make up.
  • At least its not Master Looter (ML would bring GDKP & EP-GP systems into the game.)


  • The pro is also a con as ALL armor types can drop regardless of raid comp. So expect bows to drop even if there is no hunters, or polearms to drop when no one is using them.
  • Ninja Looting, players rolling need on an item after everyone else rolled greed or pass, just to get the item. (To clarify this ISNT ninja looting per se, but more just spiteful rolling to keep players from getting gear for OS or otherwise).
  • Harder to admin fair loot distribution. Raid leads will need to make sure players don’t roll need on every equip-able item that drops regardless if they need it or not. As this can hurt the chances of players that have not received items getting gear.
  • Makes way for Loot Council issues. Where other players in the council will allow players to roll Need or not on items if they do not deem it BiS for said player. Taking away a players right to choose what gear is best for them.

Yeah the complain were from ML supporters who threatened and even went to twitter to threaten devs that nobody would raid . We have seen how empty that threat was that through four expansions now.

Btw they did try this NBG thing back in LFDs in MoP , within 2 weeks they reverted back to PL . I guess now we see why they started with raids ,as its less accessible than dungeons and not many ppl care of progression raiding as once before.

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I mean… I do? Who did you think I was blaming?

People get very uppity about their loot entitlement. :rofl:

You can’t ninja an item you are able to roll need on.

Most guilds don’t need to regulate loot, and if you’re in a guild that DOES neither of these are a problem because the guild should be on the same page.

Well, it’s not really tank specific, sure it’s BETTER for tanks, but hell, I’d take it over a 226 shield on a shaman or holy paladin.

I won some pants. I checked it and it was the same pants I had already. Not sure why I could even roll need, but whatever. I literally just click need on whatever is available and then sort out whatever I win after the run.

Sold 3 items, lol.

If they have a tertiary or a socket they are still considered an upgrade.

I don’t mind in a guild setting for options like this, but at least LFR go back to personal loot. I mean, as I said it feels bad to lose gear to other players instead of losing to the system.


No they have a reason… They can. Whatever you believe the reasons they can’t don’t matter.

It was the exact same set. Looked at the stats and everything. I was like " Aren’t these the same pants? Same main stats. Same secondary stats… Yup. the same pants. "
