New log in screen is so bad…

because its literally just a blank color filled in screen with a simple logo. vs colorful animated artwork on the screen that took hours and hours to make. this just took them less than an hour to animate.
to me it also smacks of corporate cost cutting which i despise.
they ultimately have to sign off on these changes at some level.
its also out of placce if this was in hearthstone…i would love it…wow…not really when we have a history of having much more colorful login screens outside of the several recycled dark portal ones not gonna lie those were kind of lazy.

So then don’t stare at it and log in instead. If you can’t log in, then walk away until you can.

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You need some kind of reference to Chris Metzen coming back. Maybe just a “Metzen!!!” in the bottom right corner.

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You people got your wish a new login screen is in production. God, all of this for a login screen like give me a break.

they cut down on the quality of a lot of things in wow. this is just another nail in the coffin.

Oh man not the screen i look at for half a second before hitting the enter button.

Like you know anything about quality when it is just a login screen it doesn’t effect anyone.

Off topic and unnecessary but I would like to pick what log in screen I see or have it randomized…

Likely not worth the effort but I think it would be cool.

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And now I’m disappointed. It honestly makes me angry that people whined over this and now we’ll have some stupid piece of crap art animated again.

I don’t pay much attention to the log in screen animation but I do love the music.

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its soo plain looking
h ttps://

I would much rather the dev team put their resources into anything other than a login screen.

Plus I’m guessing it’ll be a ‘transforming’ login screen which changes as we get deeper into this trilogy.

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Chevron 1 locked.

Nope, only the next year. They are going to charge another $50 next year for Part 2 of this 3 part expansion cycle.

I guess it’s a good thing we’re not playing a login screen simulator.

like how long is anybody even looking at that screen My game super quick and I’m logged in looking at a character select screen in seconds…

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I like its simplicity.

my commodore64 seems to run it ok…
maybe it’sa settings thing.

We complained in beta, no one cared. No communication at all this beta.

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Just one year.

this is not the hill i am gonna die on

Good, I dont know you, but I dont want you to die. Have a great day! :smiley: