New Keyboard (Corsair K95) Don't want to be banned

I had to replace my trusty Cougar 700K keyboard, and the only one I could find with the same specs was the Corsair K95 RGB Platinum XT.

It is very nice keyboard, but on my Cougar I assigned 5 macro keys the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-A through Ctrl-Shift-E so that I could use the G1-G5 keys as action keys in WoW.

I can’t work out how to do the same in iCUE (Corsair software), so I’m asking:

  1. Can someone work out how I can assign Ctrl-Shift-A to G1 (etc) so when I press G1 I get Ctrl-Shift-A sent to WoW.


  1. iCue does let me record a macro, but that records 6 actions (Ctrl down, Shift down, A down, Ctrl Up, Shift Up, A up) - just by pressing the G1 key. So the question is - would that break the T&C given I’m just trying to assign the keystroke to the Macro button?


Best thing to keep in mind is 1 keystroke per 1 action. But as far as what warden will detect as far as the hardware and software that goes with it no one would be able to guarantee.

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Do not set up keyboard macros. If you want banned that will 100% do it. What Kyzera said is 100% spot on. You push a button it does 1 thing.


For my programmable keyboard, I use the program keys to execute ingame macros. It restricts me to whatever an ingame macro can do so I never need worry about doing something that’s not allowed.

I use bartender4 for extra bars and have a bar set up just to hold the macro icons. There are Addons that can get the “real name” of any slot on any bar that I can use with the programmable keyboard to click the slot containing the macro.

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As do I - but the new keyboard doesn’t let me assign the key function ‘Ctrl-Shift-A’ to G1, it only allows me to assign the 6 distinct parts of me pressing Ctrl-Shift-A to G1.

I can’t think of any other way of mapping G1 - G5 to Bartender key assignments.

Yep - I only want it to do one thing, when I press G1 I want it to cast one thing (Convoke in this case). That’s it.

Try setting up an action bar and moving the spell you want onto one of the button slots on the bar.

They type /framestack and point your cursor at the slot with the spell. You’ll see something like ActionButton64 displayed.

On your keyboard, set up G1 to fire off
/click ActionButton64

ActionButton64 is case sensitive.

I’ve tried that - but it doesn’t work if I’m in the middle of doing something else, e.g in chat. Or if I want to do a cast sequence on one of them.

I use Bartender and I have the 5 action bar items set up and normally I’d just hover over it and press G1 (and it would assign Ctrl-Shft-A to the action bar item).

About the only thing else I could suggest would be to post what you want to be able to do in the UI & Macro forum. The macro folks there are pretty sharp.

Tell them specifically what spells you want to use under what conditions. Some cast sequence macros are broken by the global cool down causing multiple repetitive keystrokes to fully execute.


I don’t want to do any macros or UI stuff …

I want G1 to active an on screen UI button - that’s it. I already have all the WoW stuff worked out, has been worked out for 10+ years.

I used to have a Logitech G15 keyboard. It allowed “macros” to be programmed. I never used the “macro” function but I did use the key “re-mapping” function. Never had an issue because I still maintained the one-keystroke-one-game-action mantra.
The difference is pretty obvious - if a programmable keyboard can issue more than one effective “keystrokes” on a single key press, then you can run afoul of the ToU. If all you do is say map a key say “F8” to “G5” then you are still getting one in-game action for one single keystroke - this should NOT be a problem.
Once a keyboard is used to say execute MANY in-game events with a single keystroke (with possible embedded delays) then you are ripe for the ban hammer.

As I’ve said a number of times - I want G1 to activate a single WoW function (e.g. Convocate).

The issue I’m having is a limitation of the Corsair keyboard … am I allowed to have G1 active a single wow function - given that Corsair is forcing me to use a macro (6 events) to do so ?

No you cannot do that. If that g1 button was bound to like f1 or one of the F keys that’s fine but if it wants you to do 6 different buttons to do that ONE thing… no. You might be able to remap that key TO f1 or f2 or something that’s just a single keypress. If you push that button, it’s 1 push, but that one push has 6 diff commands go off to make that 1 thing happen in wow then that’s a no no.

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I don’t want it to do 6 different buttons… I want to do a single one.

Shift-F1 is a single press - that is allowed in WoW isn’t it ?

All I want to do is assign Shift-F1 to G1 … that’s all.

I working around a disability here, I need some pretty simple stuff.

K, so your g1 you push it you said it commands 6 actions to make that one go off… meaning you push that singular button 6 things happen with that keyboard to make one spell go off from your keyboards bind settings. If you press alt as one button then press another button that’s OK. Having alt + another button + another button bound to one button in that keyboard interface is a no go even if all it does is cast convoke. Sure it’s one action but you’re simulating or mirroring 6 key pushes.

Shift + f1 is allowed if shift and f1 are pressed on the keyboard as 2 buttons. I understand you have a disability but you CANNOT multibind a key. Period. You can use alt and shift or ctrl OUTSIDE of that bind, using separate keys as a modifier.

Reason I know this is the multibox tos recently put out bars this. I know you aren’t boxing but this is hardware command mirroring on a single client. Single button single bind. Anything more is ban territory.

So you are saying that just binding Shift-F12 to G1 is ban territory ?

If I can’t do that - then the game is impossible for me to play due to my disability.

I do a similar thing on my mouse so I can send mouse buttons into wow (assign Control-Shift-F11 to MB5) because those buttons aren’t recognised by WoW.

Yes. One guy I know got it for having keyboard macros bound for shift + tab. Can you bind the key beside that to be shift and you hit em both at the same time?

Also, it could be entirely possible to bind that g1 as like home (or another very rarely used button) then in your spells ingame just bind the spot where convoke is to what g1 is assigned as and that would do what you wanted it to do. You’re after the you push that you want convoke to go off solely off the button push.

Edit: or so he claimed atleast

Thanks - that works, I found enough Numpad keys that I can’t use during WoW to make up the 10 ‘fake keys’ to assign to my keyboard and mouse.

That gets me past the immediate issue - thank you.

You can bind a button on one of your action bars to CTRL-SHIFT-E in-game, then program one of your G keys to act as a "CTRL-SHIFT-E’ key. This does not violate the ‘one keypress = one in-game action’ rule.

If Blizzard considered CTRL-SHIFT-E to be three keypresses, they wouldn’t allow you to use the modifier keys as they always have.


Well - no I can’t … that’s the reason I posted.