New interview with Ion

I am quite sure this is still going to end up being the Jailor. The model we have now is his “de-powered” version since the Arbiter is literally “Jailing” the orb of power in her chest that clearly originally belongs to the Jailor.

Once the Jailor regains his orb, he’ll go back to looking like this. I’m like 95% sure this is the story direction they are going in.


People generally have to calm the hell down about data mining. We’ve a right to be skeptical SL as I don’t think anyone liked BFA as a whole.

But a lot of this stuff is a work in progress, often subject to change for any number of reasons. I’ve sympathy for the writers who are having stuff that’s not finished analyzed and critiqued at every angle. It’s just not fair to hold people to a rough draft actively being edited and rewritten.

The Alliance armies were already decimated - Anduin is talking about calling up farmers long before that.

That the war ended in a stalemate is hardy a surprise, most of us predicted it when the expansion was launched two years ago. The two faction war always ends in a stalemate because two faction game.

If you are hoping for your “team” to be declared the winner, you are playing the wrong game.


Can’t wait for everyone to grind rep for Sylvanas! :relaxed:


But isn’t that the fundamental point of a rough draft though - get the critiques and complaints now, while things can still be changed before the final draft launches?

My understanding is that’s a big part of why BfA was, well, BfA - they ignored all of the feedback during Alpha and Beta, and then were surprised that the live product was poorly received.


Ignoring feedback would be a bad idea. Which is why stuff on the alpha and beta is fair grounds for criticsm.

Datamined text on the otherhand is a different story.

I dunno–the vast majority of the worst stuff in BfA’s alpha made it to the live game.


I assume he meant datamined text versus text that’s been implemented in the playable build. I personally disagree with that, because I’m pessimistic enough to assume that, by the time it’s been implemented, it’s too late for any sweeping revisions.


Being more responsive to the playerbase is a step in the right direction, even if it’s a trivial placeholder. Blizz lost a lot of trust in BfA by outright ignoring feedback, so if they rebuild the norm and become trustworthy again this wouldn’t be an issue.


Yessss, screw that guy!

Yep, it was so weird how people were saying the alliance “won”, when they were out of troops before 8.1 and they couldn’t even fight part of the horde without the help of part of the horde. They night elves didn’t even win Darkshore until 8.3 and the humans only won Stormgrade (not all of arathi). So it’s not even really something to debate especially since the alliance got literally nothing out of it.

I’m glad he at least confirmed what was pretty obvious, but I don’t see why he thinks it’s going to be something to debate now after directly stating no on won.


The alliance did “Win” Tell which faction achieved all its war goals.

This is all headcanon by the why, for one we dont know when the night elves won, and two we dont know how much arathi was taken by the alliance, unknowns dont make your head canon right, it makes things not known.

Yeah the whole “nobody won there was a treaty :slight_smile: tee hee” show a brutal ignorance of how the world works lmao

The Alliance won and set the terms for the treaty with the new government structure of the opposing side after the leader fled for war crimes (and spooky reasons)


I mean he directly says they didn’t win. Which they didn’t. The horde also never had to answer for Teldrassil and we don’t even know if they have Ashenvale back. The alliance really accomplished none of their goals other than getting the horde to stop fighting.

Well until it’s confirmed to be otherwise, I’m stating directly what happens in the game. Saying it happened any other way is headcanon, it’s blizzards job to clear it up further, but otherwise this is exactly what happened and how it happened, nothing I said was made up.


Ion is being coy, cause the players didnt get what they wanted, but the characters sure did, the status quo

I just hope that Ashenvale canonically is from the kaldorei again.

Also, screw high elves.

The Warfront that happens in 8.1 is when the Night Elves take Dark Shore back, the cutscene showing the victory also is from that period, was datamined in that period, it was just implanted now, but the scene is still just after the warfront.

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What terms? The alliance didn’t set anything.

And they chose to only put it in the game a week or two after the launch of 8.3 instead of 8.1.



no you arent your making stuff up cause what happened in the game, is the nelves “Won” darkshore, and the alliance won" arthai. THat starts and stops right there, what winning meant is unknown, what losing meant is unknown, LIterally for all you know the alliance won and then left patting themselves in the back, the point is we do not know the status.

But also barely.

Tyrande and arguablly Genn are Not Happy with the treaty and the Forsaken as a whole are currently extremely up in the air and Talanji is also probably Not Happy.

Which is normal. TFW post WW2 formation of League of Nations and whatnot, or the colonial cutting the pie of Latin America and Africa according to the whims of the victors, etc.

But “there’s no victors in a peace treaty” is just bad political theory lmao

Dunno, but given Alliance won both Darkshore and Arathi, I’m assuming part of the treaty is “give land back to the Alliance and don’t try to take any of it”

The Night elves won Darkshore in 8.3 as I said, that is when you get the cutscene for it, and the alliance win Stromgarde as we find out from a question asked at Blizzcon. Stromgarde isn’t all of Arathi, the warfront isn’t called “battle for arathi”.

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