New interview with Ion

This one has some lore things



Mfer better be coming back with us


Turns out this is the Jailor.


I really like alot of what has been said in this interview, and it looks like Blizzard might actually be listening closely to what players have been saying especially in regards to the restriction on Covenants and the potential drama of the Blood Elf/High Elf thing. I still think Ion is a doodoo head, though.

Story-wise I think it is even more obvious now that Sylvanas is going full evil unless this is just more 5d chess stuff. News about Kael’thas is interesting and I’m curious how Arthas will fit in as well. Overall good interview, gives more hope for Shadowlands although I already thought it was looking much better than BfA ever did.


Looks kinda like Bolvar. 5 gold says we do a quest where Bolvar impersonates him.

Planning the expansions two in advance, while maintaining flexibility in the story (Adding Bwonsamdi to the “frontlines”) shows promise. Happy about that.

I like that it’s difficult to rejoin an abandoned Covenant, both story and gameplay wise. The Covenant shouldn’t be happy you abandoned it, and gameplay wise it’ll stop people from trying to min-max every fight/raid by going with the “best” covenant for that raid.

I still don’t understand what the soulbind is? Is it just like a champion for a mission table sort of thing is?

More control over legendaries is definitely good.

Forreal though, I’m hyped as hell for this. I hope we can bring him back with us, even though I’m aware people’s feelings on bringing people back from the dead.

Hope the class sets come fast.

Hope that the PvP changes are for the better. Honor bought gear again, please.

From what I understand it is an NPC companion system like what they’ve tried out in Nazjatar where you have permanent customizeable NPCs to help you quest and are related to your Covenant.

My guess is that old characters appearing in Shadowlands will only be cameos.


I read this as freeing him from Revendreth, not the Shadowlands.


You’re wrong! You’rewrongyou’rewrongyou’rewrong!!


watching the interview, I think you are right and meant that

My brain assumes this.
My heart begs otherwise.

I’m okay with that, largely. Kael is the only one I want to have a second chance.

Ah, that’s kinda dope actually. Excited for that.


This is the important bit for a lot of people-- and it’s good not only for helfers that feel it’d be insulting to them, but it’s important for belves in a way most people don’t touch on in that having blue eyes would be a regression of their story. It would be to go back to pretending it’s pre-Scourge days, without the destruction of the Sunwell, and without its reignition with the power of the Light in it.


Who won Battle for Azeroth?

The forces of Sylvanas lost, but it’s hard to say that Sylvanas lost, considering her current situation.

Alliance or Horde didn’t win–they agreed on a peace treaty. Something to debate for years to come.

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So, everyone lost.


In the game of BfA you either win or you die, and dying only serves one person: Sylvanas and her mysterious new master the Jailer. She won, and many innocents fought and died in vain to flood the Shadowlands with lost souls.

No, we get to debate it.

Which is going to be so fun.


From Wowhead:
How would you be able to change your Covenant?
The general philosophy is leaving a Covenant and joining a new one will not actually be too difficult. However, what will be difficult is rejoining a Covenant once you abandon them. Azerite Armor taught them some lessons about how Hardcore players will continue to pay an increasing cost even though it was intended to ward them off at some point.

Or not really listening at all. This is more of their ‘you’re playing the game wrong’ in action. Players want to change covenants and they’d clearly prefer you didn’t.

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Except initially it appeared you wouldn’t be able to change at all which would have been terrible, so either they changed their minds based on backlash or they are actually trying to think things through and be player friendly about things.

actually it was always the plan to let you change since blizzcon, they always said its was gonna be hard and time consuming to change