New interview with Ion

yeah and they told us what it is.
I am not the one arguing against blizzard, you are for a weird sylvanas fantasy

The Alliance won both warfronts and sacked the Zandalari capital and blizzard is acting like Azshara sinking 5 ships decimated the Alliance armies.

I just canā€™t with this story team sometimes.


Blizzard has never once said we were killing Sylvanas.

Sylvanas will be Kerrigan 2.0

aZeRotH iS fReE!!!


no but we are fighting against her, you should actually watch the interview before you start saying pyro tier things lol

Screw that we will do this dance again in 2 expansions anyways, you cant just butcher your lore for cheap drama then expect the fans to react positively.


Are we though? Have they stated that?


10 char

Wherefore at?

I am just gonna wait till another person from the alpha proves you wrong

Ah, so they havenā€™t said that.


They have actually multiple times, mainly during blizzcon 2019
ignorance isnt something to be proud of you know

So link the timecoded video. I did you that favor.

Yeah he isnt, no where did anyone say that lol

Iā€™ve mentioned it before, but confirming that this is the Jailorā€™s real model solidifies the fact that the Jailor was robbed of his power by the Arbiter. Calling it now, we will be teaming up with the Mawsworn and helping the Jailor by 9.1

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The point.
Your head.

The jailer looks kinda meh to me. Idk I donā€™t much care for his design. Tbh at the beginning of all this I was hoping the jailer looked lessā€¦ human or humanoid.

Plus with the possibility of him being a titan makes this even less interesting. Iā€™m starting to get titan fatigue of all things


Iā€™ll take it over his original look.

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As I recall though, the Jailer is HUGE compared to us. I remember seeing Sylvanas in front of him and she was only about as big as his HEAD.

Bolvar is roughly the same size as Sylvanas, so Iā€™m betting against Bolvar impersonating him.

Honestly that pic makes him look like Amanā€™thuls brother lol

But I was hoping something akin to the elongated deer/ram skull imagery we see all over icecrown.

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