New Instance Limit in WoW Classic

Yep, big brain meme. Mixed in ofc with drooling face meme.

Legitimate complaint addressed, system is mostly fine now. They could perhaps slightly adjust it again with some level-headed feedback from the community.


A bot can make a bot character on four realms, and still do dungeons 24/7 with a single account.

Blizz said their main objective for this change is to combat bots. However, because the workaround for a bot is so easy, this does not do that in the slightest.

That’s about as level headed and sticking to the facts as can be.


Nothing short of removing the limit and actually penalizing people using bots and hacks is an acceptable outcome. Telling people how to play the game is what has slowly ruined WoW for years.


Yeah that was kind of a big middle finger lmao. They know people are complaining and fixed it in regards to raid lockout, but completely ignored 60 percent of peoples complaints. Very blizz like imo. Swing and a miss, as always.

They’ve been doing that since the very beginning. What do you think limiting raids to one instance a week is? What about five dungeon resets an hour?

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It’s nice to see my suspicions confirmed, this change only affected a “small handful” of people. Good to know.


A bot can make a bot character on four realms, and still do dungeons 24/7 with a single account.

Blizz said their main objective for this change is to combat bots. However, because the workaround for a bot is so easy, this does not do that in the slightest.

I take it you have no answer to that huh.

puts on fake canadian accent

‘‘Okay’’ :ok_hand:

That is now retail. This was suppose to recreate the vanilla experience.


So what?

Why is it okay to negatively affect any legitimate player with this god awful change?

Also, have you considered how many people just stopped doing dungeons altogether because of this change?


This is the same Blizz that after weeks of over five hour queues on multiple realms while thousands of bots were operating openly everywhere and the forums were filled with complaints about it, they let us know they had no idea why there were still queues.

They lie constantly, heck we’re in a thread where the premise of the instance cap change reducing ‘automated gameplay’ has been thoroughly debunked and they still won’t address that.


Trust teh plan good mam, they know better than we do. They said they play WoW too.

It’s a throttling mechanism. It now takes 4 times longer for one bot account to have the same effectiveness as before the change. It 100% will reduce bots, it just won’t eliminate them completely and permanently.

Laws don’t eliminate crime completely either, that doesn’t mean we shouldnt have them.


If a change benefits 99% of the playerbase at the cost of slightly hurting 1%, I’m generally okay with it.

People went from doing + 30 dungeons a day to doing 0? Doesn’t sound very logical to me.

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The exclusion of 40 man raids was a good adjustment as well.


LoL, what?

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I think we should just start refering to ourselves as ‘‘Illegitimate players’’ if we are against the instance cap. Kind of like being a ‘‘deplorable’’. Seems like a nice title to adopt due to it’s irony.

Well tapers you are not alone as of today i’m also done. They just killed clasic and future tbc with 1 change and post…


I thought so too, it was the perfect fix to any problems with the cap imo. But, as you know, some players are never happy.