New Icy Murloc pet code question

Try typing it into the Redeem a Gift window by hand instead of copying it or clicking it to have it apply to the page.


I never received either of my codes via email and I purchased two of the pops on November 1st. I got one for myself and one for a friend of mine IRL who also plays. I know the terms says they won’t be replaced, but what if I never got the email in the first place? I have also been keeping a keen eye on it and now stumbled across this thread and realized it was supposed to be right after the two purchases. Can anything be done to get those? I can provide order numbers and all details.

Have you contacted the Gear Store?



I had an American buy the pet in return for the code, sent them the money and everything ($43 AUD, jeez) but so far they’ve received the toy, but not the code.

If they made the purchase, they’ll need to follow up to find out what’s going on with the gear store.

Just note, this would be 100% unsupported, so if it goes south and you’re out real money, Blizz will likely be hands off.


I trust the person enough that my only concern is that something went wrong with the store delivering the code.

That’s what they would need to follow up on with the store themselves. It can’t be done via a third-party.


Have them contact the Gear Store itself via ticket.



That’s what happened to me. The person who bought it just needs to email the gear store support and they should resend the code.

Perl and Ky got ya covered.


I’ll do you a deal. Keep the plastic item that takes days to get here, requires $7 shipping and costs $2 of “protection”, give me the code for $18 as advertised instead of $30 after additional expenses. then I’ll be a happy little boy.

Anyone who owns all the pets should receive 1000 Achievement credits and the title “Ultimate Hoop Jumper”


Just did.

I didn’t received any code.

I purchased mine January 8th. I received the Funko Pop but no code or anything for the pet.

I’ve contacted customer service several times but I keep getting automated responses.

Anyone else still having issues?

Are you contacting the Gear Store’s Customer Support on the gear store website?


I clicked on the link from the purchase receipt, which lead me to the gear store’s page with all of the tracking stuff and then clicked on their Chat support, then they said they’d forward it to their customer service.

You should receive an email back from their CS team. But it will take a few days.

You are in the States, yes?

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Yes I’m in the U.S.

As for getting an email code, I keep reading that the code should come via email but how long does it take? Seems like it should have been sent the same day as the order was place. Certainly by delivery date, which was early last week.

I’ve checked my spam inbox and everything and like I said, customer service is not being responsive.

It doesn’t take long. But I did find out that originally, it was just supposed to be sent to the Battlenet account.

I hadn’t logged into my Battlenet account when I used the gear store on my phone and the contact information was automatically put in as my Apple Pay information, which was different. So mine was kind of a mess. They eventually did have to send me the code instead of me just getting it in game, since the email they had was through Apple Pay and not my Bnet account.

It usually takes a few days or so for CS to respond. It took me a couple of tickets, iirc.

If they do send a code and you have Gmail, make sure to check the “All Mail” mailbox. Somehow, that mailbox doesn’t put new mail in the Inbox. It’s like its own separate world where mail goes to never be seen. I found a Mtn Dew code in there once. I can’t even explain that one.

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**update **

So I received an email with the code for the pet yesterday. Of course they resolve my issue on the one day my internet is out (all day!!).

Anyway, the pet is adorable and was worth the wait. However, based on all of the comments I’ve seen here, it seems like they don’t have that sale setup correctly on the gear store. So if you do end up buying the set, know that you will likely go through the same thing.

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Dunno about that being likely. Mine worked just fine, and I don’t know of any issues from other guildies or friends. I did contact gear store support, but it turned out I wasn’t searching with the right terms to find the email that was sent. Their support was quick with the reply and helping me tho.