New Human Racial replacing Diplomacy

I honestly don’t know why they are making the change. Seems like a rather pointless one to waste time with.


humans had the best racials in the game

free trinket and rep

just now they re changing this and the human andys are complaining…cmon u all have been op the entire game life

Free trinket, that’s a good one. I’ll take a third trinket slot as a passive, where can I pick that up?

Diplomacy was the beat human racial, now all of them are bad. Will to Survive seldom works in raids, and outside of raids I cannot think of any stun I would break unless I had my monitor off and stood in fire.


Sucks if you’re a human mage. I think it would get redundant after a while. Not only that, but there are also so many different ways to hearth already if you need to get places. Go to garrison, take portal in tower. Dalaran - hop skip jump to portal. I can go on. While there may be a few applications (if any) this could be useful, it’s pretty much useless, imo. Kinda like a slap in the face.

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Man, they’re trying to get that paid race change money!



A single piece of veteran or champion gear really, really is not that big of a deal. It is not difficult to get gear at those item levels. Also, as of now, the gear that you get from rep vendors is not very good. Unless they have plans to update rep items to be updated throughout an expac’s life, you’re not going to get rep items from the base reps when you can do catchup and get better gear. Those pieces of gear make just about 0 difference.

I’m not sure what you’re expecting, it’s not a combat racial, so it was not going to be related to stats or throughput at all.

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Its insulting. They could at least offer race changes.


how most racials should be.


There’s still hope… but only if there’s a sort of “mass uproar” from the community voicing it’s disapproval with this crappy/lackluster racial

They’ve backpedaled before given enough uproar from the players, for example they caved on the “renown 15” requirement for Pathfinder

If there’s large amounts of uproar over the next few days, it’s possible they go with a different racial

I guess we’ll see, I’ll be keeping an eye on the WoW reddit and comments sections around the WoW-verse to check the pulse on this


My human mage will be useless now. I can already port anywhere please don’t do that. I guess this is the best way to get people race changing 10 min hearth is useless when your dungeons take more that 30 mins anyways. I guess I’ll have to race change to dwarf or night elf for the superior racials

Diplomacy- if I could speak to horde players would be almost a better racial than 10 min hearth


I’m very underwhelmed by the change it’s… eh. I don’t really know anyone who uses their hearthstone that much as is. It being limited to one point is…well limiting. Hopefully it’s still open for consideration.

If they want it to be a traversal based racial, and maybe hints at the sociabilityof humans that Diplomacy did, I would like to suggest one:
[I Know A Guy]: Call a gryphon to bring you to the nearest Flight Master you know. Flight paths cost 10% less.

Yes, essentially a built in Flight-Master’s Whistle for humans; but it’d see more use than a hearthstone based racial I think.


That’s not bad actually lol.

I don’t care about diplomacy much because grinding rep in this game has always been stupid.

People complaining that it’s not completely maximized I think speaks to the WoW playerbase as a whole.

I’m a Pandaren main. I’ll take the 5 min cooldown on hearthstone and trade you Inner Peace, a racial that is literally useless for the majority of your playtime. Not figuratively useless. Literally. As in you cannot gain rested experience at all at max level, which is what the game is designed around.

It’s not a big deal.


Human paladins: “I can double bubble hearth now?!?”


I’m a little paladin, short and stout. Here’s my hammer and here’s my trusty mount. When I get in trouble I scream and shout, then I bubble and hearthstone out!


Absolutely lame trade. Keep it how it is.



downgrade of the century


I can just envision the team sitting at a conference table so they can think up the most boring racial in the history of the game… And this is what they came up with.


That’s something that I would love, but not going to make a human.

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I really hope they reverse this. I hate it and if they keep it give me free race changes.