New Human Racial replacing Diplomacy

Impressive. That’s what the entire circle of creativity at blizzard was able to decide by putting their collective heads together as a replacement for diplomacy?

I’m truly impressed. I’m sure glad that they are giving those D student graduates a place to call home and a paying job.

Top notch blizzard! :ok_hand:


This will be fantastic when I forget why I hearthed then leave and need to hearth back when I remember.

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But you’re a warrior…

@OP I’d like to know why it was changed… Seems like a stupid change and I very rarely play a human.

Edit: Honestly If they’re going to do what I feel is dumb stuff like this… Just get rid of racials completely.

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It is not

Thats why its ‘uh… whatever’ - that said it still is a big downgrade compared to Diplomacy, comparing it to other terrible racials doesnt change that :wink:


The saddest part of it all is people are going to pay for race changes rewarding their revenue over taking things away. Its wild.


Because reputations going account wide for 99% of them (gradually implemented throughout TWW and on) - they don’t want to create a condition where everyone has to make a human to maximize all their characters.


Makes sense, but still a stupid change.


lol bro you have bouncy, epicurean, gourmand, inner peace, and quacking palm so 5 racials epicurean and quacking palm are very good bouncy is questionable and true inner peace and gourmand is questionable

humans have 3 diplomacy, will to survive and the human spirit no wonder people are pissed 2 out of 3 racials will be useless

The problem is changing it you when you first created your pandaren you knew you were singing up for inner peace and still went on with it. I on the other hand knew what I singed up for and now they re changing it to a worst racial



Edit: Ah shoot, and beat to it, ah well there is the official page saying such.


I frankly think humans should get an extra cool racial because you’re already playing the worst looking race in WoW and you should be compensated for that.


It didn’t need to be combat based to not be useless. They could have given a repair cost decrease, or a decreased fee from the Artisan’s Consortium, or similar. The primary racial humans had was diplomacy, now their main racial is nothing.


Having my hearthstone on cd actually was a problem for me until i rerolled monk.
Now i can get around using zen pilgrimage and its great.

So having a 10 minute cd on humans is a win in my eyes.


Bro, use a mount. How can you be chain hearthing to the point every warp is on CD in retail.


Mounts dont get me from the shadowlands to kul tiras now do they :stuck_out_tongue:


lol was curious what it would be, looks like human is off the table.


My main has been a human Holy priest since Vanilla. This is the first time I have every though of a race change. What a massive crap of a racial.


Just get the Kul’Tiran ring to warp back. Or use the cape to warp to the portal room. Or the Garrison/Dalaran hearths.


Epicurean is the throughput racial, on par with human spirit. I didn’t include it for that specific reason. It grants essentially 2% to any stat.

Quaking palm is analogous to WtS.

+5 to cooking isn’t hugely useful because it does not have a profession tree that is timegated like other professions. It doesn’t really provide any additional benefit.

Reduced fall damage is marginally useful as a noncombat racial. About as useful as 5 minutes off travel time.

Inner Peace is literally useless for the majority of the game, it essentially does not exist. It was only useful in the expansion it was introduced in, which was 12 years ago.

It’s a noncombat racial, it literally doesn’t matter.

Their main racial is 2% increase to all secondary stats which only scales as the expansion goes on. WtS has some niche uses still, mostly in PVP.


Thats a lot of extra stuff my human alts wont have to worry about.

For me, its a nice racial.
If its not your taste thats cool too. Maybe they will change it, who knows.


Honestly I would like to keep the rep bonus. But hey… it’s something I guess