I said “A mage who doesn’t want to be a lich isn’t a good mage”, because the mage won’t do everything in his/her power, to attain the highest level possible.

We have mages and warlocks, but we don’t have all the spells possible in the world. I’m not sure, are you asking me for insights? Well, casting while moving. Main rotation spells have shorter than 10s CD, and no CD longer than 2mins.

For the spells, what about picking one from each magic school? For example, turn someone into diamond that can be sold in store (Transmutation); Reveal hidden/stealthed creature (Divination); Rip out someone’s skeleton and make it dance (Necromancy); Force enemies to fight among themselves, wander aimlessly or lay down and die (Enchantment)…

I really need to play the game more, I don’t know enough about the classes to offer anything new and constructive. But I believe they have enough stuff to make a new class.

With all the titan facilities we’ve been encountering lately, I somehow doubt that.

Warlocks are one thing, but arent liches a combination of frost mages and unholy dks?

It seems like all of their abilities are already in the game

Oh ho ho! So you think that not only are you getting a tinker class, but you are getting a TITAN level tinker class? Now that I find absurd! That was a good laugh.

Lich Its a supernatural Race nota a class. Just like vampires Race.

If you fail to see how tinkers can maintain relevance when we encounter titan tech every other step then there is nothing I can say to you.

Considering how disrespectful you seem, there’s nothing I want to say to you either.

Then stop talking to me, and take your tinker talk to a tinker thread.

Or you know, accept the fact that turning into an undead freak doesn’t necessarily mean -they- will be continuing on. Nor that anything they stand for nor ideals they might have will continue on… because being undead kinda ruins that stuff.

“Lich” is not a class, it is more of a race. they have all been skeletal mages (that don’t have lower halves?) that use frost and death magic. more than likely if we have a death themed expansion it will be Necromancer as the new class since that has the most connection to the theme since we already have Death Knights (would also be the perfect time to give us the new Death Knight Allied Races/Pandaren).

Tinkers just have no connection to a death theme expansion, and would only make sense if we were going to the underground goblin capital or looking for the home of the Blingtrons (who are apparently waging an underground war against some other force). with Northrend and a Lich King focused expansion we got the Death Knights, with a Pandaria themed expansion we had the Monks and with an expansion based on fighting off the Legion we got the Demon Hunters, so the most obvious choice for where the current story is going would be a Necromancer.

OK, I like legs. From what I understand, Kel’Thuzad must have learned Necromancy before the Scourge became a thing. Perhaps the way of making a lich already existed at the time.

If I remember correctly, Arthas asked ghost Kel’Thuzad why he couldn’t be resurrected on the spot, the ghost Kel’Thuzad said “Someone with my power/standing must be rezzed with great spectacle”, something like that. So what I understand is, he doesn’t need to be rezzed at the sun well. He just wanted to have maximum possible power after being rezzed into lich.

Yes it’s problematic, if Jaina’s enemy make a fuss about Jaina being lich. But ultimately it’s you deeds that speaks for you. And if Jaina knows when she dies, there’ll be great misfortune falling upon her acquaintances, she’ll understand she can’t die. And everything will go smoothly thereafter.

Yeah I’m gonna go with no on this one.

I mean level 50? That’s a weird number considering we have never had a cap less than 60.

Removing leather completely…why? In what world do they choose to get rid of the armor type that the most classes use? What person anywhere benefits from having 4 classes rolled into their armor type to compete with them for gear?

I hope this leak is wrong because it’s incredibly bad.

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By this logic, every “hero” will seek to become a Lich. Jaina just wont become one. It would be unfitting for her character. If anything, she would seek to prolong her life with non-necromantic means. There are other ways to extend life after all. Just look at the elves. They were granted sort of immortality by both the blessings of the dragon aspects, and by the shear power of the Well of Eternity.

To date, new expansion classes have not been foreshadowed. DKs were unrelated to BC, monks were unrelated to cataclysm, DKs were unrelated to Warlords. I think Tinkers could be a fun class, but consider it unlikely at this point. Added classes have been out of nowhere based on the new expansion and have been fundamental to the expansion definition.

Personally I don’t.

I also see the Tinker class as a way for them to go backwards developmentally. Why take totems away from shaman only to remake them in the form of turrets for the tinker class? I think the concept of a class that places static buffs/attacks is something they left behind a long time ago. At least I hope it is.

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The leak talks about merging mail into leather or plate, not removing leather. Agility plate has never been a thing though so I am not sure how you get either mail class to plate.

With personal loot, 2 mail classes is not the end of the world though.

Not removing leather, removing mail. Shamans would probably bump up to a plate class while hunters would downgrade to a leather class.

I think you are taking community thoughts (tinkers drop turrets) as the only way to build the class. DOTs or channelized attacks can be replicated using a mobile drone as one example. There are a lot of ways to build the class.

That’s true, but even the living can’t be sure of themselves. People change, and if anything, undead don’t need to worry about fluctuations of Hormone level, they can be reliably depended upon as “cool heads”. More logical, more rational.

Well, they’re eunuchs. And eunuchs, if TV series can be trusted, are cool. Not freaks.

I dont think weve ever seen characters in wow make poor decisions because of “hormone levels”… Blizz kinda stays away from that nonsense.

Yes, everyone would love to have immortality, but not everyone can have it. The most reliable way is through Necromancy, and it’s the hard way. But, if you’re privileged enough, I guess you can ask favor from gods.

I just think it’s more likely for Jaina to achieve immortality through Necromancy, since she’s already a mage and all.