Perhaps I shouldn’t have made that joke then. I’m not that sensitive to these things. PC stuff, you’re required to support.

Through normal magical means, if she were to seek immortality, I would think that through her relations with Kalec, she would seek the aid of the dragonflights. Perhaps even with their powers greatly diminished, the red or bronze flights could help her. I just seriously doubt that with her personal experience that she will seek to prolong her life with necromancy. It would be a complete 180 for her character and would frankly piss many people off.

People get upset about Sylvannas playing out the way she has in BfA, but she has always been the meticulous schemer. If anyone in the current story were to become a lich, I would point to Sylvy, as she is trying all sorts of methods to extend her unlife, mostly through the use of dark magics and the val’kyr.

If she were to stay true to her character, she would never have her immortality, because we as players don’t have immortality, why her? I’m pissed off now, as Alliance, she’s too square, she doesn’t do anything unexpected. What about this, when everyone thinks Sylvannas has wun, she’s going to get her immortality——BAM! Jaina snatch the pill from her palm, and swallowed it.

Voila Jaina got it instead of Sylvy.

new hero class is necromancer not new dk spec.

Thats just the way blizzard write the factions though. The alliance is generally filled with people who get along even if they disagree with each other, while the horde is filled with various warmongering people who dont get along but still work together. The hordes internal relationship is much like the relationship between the alliance and the horde, shaky at best.

In my opinion, Jaina as a female mage (a sorceress?) must find a way to keep her pretty appearance, otherwise it would be against the tradition.

They’ve been warned. That’s all, I have no more to say.

I dont think becoming a robbed skeleton will preserve that pretty image very well. But who knows, to each their own.

It’s a necromancer. Mail wearing ranged caster that summons undead minion mini armies. Has a dps and a healing spec. They won’t do tinkerer, we visited mechagon and left. The entire expansion is death themed. Tinkerer’s would encroach on engineer profession, and with the backlash over mechagnomes, they aren’t going to devote an entire class to the same theme.

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I cant imagine blizz making necromancers a mail class. Lich maybe, but not a necromancer. It would just be a normal clothy

Thats what will differentiate them from warlocks. More like hunters but with spells instead of a bow. Plus we really need another mail class badly. We have 3 plate, 3 cloth, 4 leather, and 2 mail.

Is it a rule that hero classes have to be emo or crib from Warlocks? (or both)

Either way, Necromancer, meh. Dunno if it existed prior to D3 but
that Necromancer’s just an UHDK.

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Would be a perfect time to introduce San’layn as hero class

Except for San’Layn is a type of elf, so it would likely be locked to blood and void elves. If anything, San’Layn would be a race, not a class.

Yeah, the whole “elf” thing could be an issue. The reason I say class though is that they would actually use Blood magic. I think they could make BE, NB, VE, and NE San’layn. Possibly even humans and undead if they really wanted to be cool.

*although blood trolls would be cool too, but not sure what their counterpart would be for Alliance. They would have to make it even on both sides, of course

Well I got just the name for one lol.

Yeah, and the perfect name for a San’Layn would be Bloodelf


How would that work with past expansions, like Legion?

I think it’s far more likely we get a 4th spec for more classes rather than a new class. Besides, we already have DK

Already having Deathknights is no excuse for not being able to have a necromancer honestly. And if its another hero class, starting at a higher level, it could simply start at a higher level than the Legion zones and their order halls.

Finally, I kinda wish they would just have armor just like in elderscrolls and set it as “Light, Medium, Heavy”

Also more transmog options for my deathknight.

Is that how it is in eso? In skyrim its just light and heavy XD