Size is iffy in game because sometimes it’s inconsistent and sometimes it’s for boss visibility. Just look at say, abominations. We can see models of them where they are huge and dwarf the player models. But the UH DK one is nowhere near that size. I’ll go looking later but I’m pretty sure there are some liches that do the same thing when you control them. I’ll report back my findings and edit this post if I find anything.

There’s nothing unique about any of the classes now except a glide ability.

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A lich would be a race, not a class. They might fit with the forsaken. Though I’m not sure the other horde races would be as welcoming to them.

I agree. Anything one class has, another class has with a different color, flavor, or skin.

Idk about this whole lich class, but a death themed caster would be very cool imo. Death knights are death themed, but they don’t fill the caster niche at all.

Plus, Blizzard has never added a ranged, or caster class to the game. It would be the first, and I think a lot of people would enjoy having a new caster to play

I don’t care what the next class is so long as it’s ranged dps. Only 3 classes have been added in 15 years, and they’re all melee.


Name carries power. That’s why even though the Mage class has been limited to only Evocation/elemental battle mage, people’re still asking for deeper meanings (or a 4th spec) for Mage, instead of Warlock/Death Knight/Shaman/Druid.

Imagine you’re in a magic school (Hogwartz?), no matter how genius you are in other subjects (Conjuration, Divination, Transmutation etc.), if you scores low in Necromancy, it’s all for naught. Because you will surely fall behind in 100 years if you’re human, 700 hundred years if you’re elf. Sooner or later, you get the idea.

Those who laughs last laughs better. To study Necromancy and to subsequently become a Lich, is a necessity for mages/wizards, not a preference. One can not do good deeds if one’s dead. Becoming Lich is the ultimate achievement of a mage, the pinnacle of their career, the act itself embodies the defilement to the gods and the fates they prepared for the mortals.

A mage who doesn’t want to be a Lich is not a good mage. It’s not only about aesthetics, although most Liches look like Forsaken Mages (it’s nothing special just looks like corpse), not because they can’t look handsome (they certainly can), but because they simply don’t see the need of it. One doesn’t need to look smart to do research in a tomb underground. But some public figure like Jaina, surely understand the importance of appearance.

Why do we need more spellcasters? Especially strong ones, like a Hero Class? What I think needs to address is, one doesn’t become a spellcaster because one’s weak in arms and can’t lift a sword. Spellcasters spend decades of training (and accompanying expenses) instead of several years maybe months of sparring need from a sellsword, because it’s WORTH it. I mean, come on, it’s the immortality!

What I don’t like is, the Liches are exclusively associated with the Scourge and the LichKing, and by extension, the demons. I mean initially it’s the case, but surely someone outside the Scourge would seek to replicate the process without interventions from some higher power? In my opinion, the Warlocks/Death Knights/Shamans/Druids, all have their patrons. Be it Devils, LichKing, Elemental Lords, or Wild Gods? I’m not saying God or gods don’t exist, but when they’re not striking someone down with lightening bolts, the mortals can have their own agenda right?

And Liches being evil, shouldn’t be that repulsive. A government official or a merchant could be Lawful Evil, if you’re a paladin and cast Detect Evil in the street, can you smite everyone glowing red down? Not all Evil can be smote down, unless you want to be a criminal. And Liches certainly are Lawful Evil. I have the impression if you don’t disturb them in their research, try to loot their tomb, kill their guardians for Exp or treat them as simple skeletons to be smacked down despite their regal rags, they won’t lift a finger toward you.

It needs to be seriously considered by Jaina. She’s not that old, but she’s also not young. She doesn’t need to become Lich immediately, but she needs to prepare before hand. For her untimely demise, the like.

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There’s functionally no reason to make an entire lich class.

If we’re going to be making new classes, they should have a functional difference and purpose. An undead mage is literally a race/class combo, making it into a class seems like a waste, and there isn’t enough to differentiate it from a mage.

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I personally think your ideal that a mage that doesn’t want to become a lich is a bad mage, is fundamentally flawed, and I still see no reason why we should have a lich class when we functionally have wizards and warlocks already.

There’s no mechanical nor functional reason.

If you want to RP a lich, go crazy, but if we’re gonna be making new classes, I’d rather us not literally just mash a race and a class together and call it a new class. It’s lazy.

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Why not combine the classes to form one?

DH’s have a metamorphosis ability to become a literal demon, why not have this Necromancer class have an ability to transform into a lich?

Did someone say this before?

This would be more or less what I’d have imagined it would be. A Lich is a necromancer. It’s just a really powerful and immortal one.

Do you have any sort of link to this info?

1 Like this guy is a lich, isn’t tied to the scourge

I think fire dk is stupid

Whatever the new class is it should be a mail user.
If that happens I would assume it’ll be a mail caster since Shamans are the only guys currently using caster-mail and all the new classes so far have been melee.


Necromancers were make more sense than Liches. Or is or Lichi?

Pretty sure is not a credible source.

The problem isnt whether or not the act of being a Lich is evil or not, it is the process to becoming one that Jaina likely wouldnt want to have any part in. We dont know the exact process of becoming a Lich in this universe, but often times it requires a lot of power, and a lot of sacrifice. The closest thing we have to understanding this process is Kel’Thuzad’s Resurrection, and would you look at what happened. Arthas slaughtered most of the High Elves and used the Sun Well, a magical pool filled with tainted water from the Well of Eternity.

But the main problem with Jaina becoming a Lich, as Ive stated already, is that the mere thought of such a creature should be sickening to her. She wouldnt even think about becoming one.

If Im not mistaken, there are only a couple of Liches that dont have allegiances with the scourge. There is Timolain the Accursed from the Paladin Order Hall Campaign in Legion, and Amal’Thazad in Archerus. And only two Liches are women (not that it matters), being Instructor Chillheart in Scholomance, and Lady Deathwhisper in Ice Crown Citadel.

Mail could possibly be getting removed from the game. Blizzard doesnt care for the armor type as they have never really gotten any cool sets, and always seemed to have been designed last.

We’re literally in a content patch where they have relevance.

And as soon as the next patch rolls around, they will be back to having no relevance.