china gets entirely different names for some things than we do. death knights aren’t even called that, it’s entirely possible there’s a planned necromancer class and they won’t use the word for necromancer instead calling it a litch or some other variant in order to appease the ccp censors.

sigh Whelp this would give them the excuse to completely prune Afflock they’ve been looking for…

It is just as stupid an idea as tinkers…

Necromancer in Diablo II is exactly what necromancer in WoW should play like. Everyone comparing Death Knights (lol) and Warlocks (double lol), I would argue, don’t understand what a necromancer is at all.

Let’s be real. A necromancer is a MAGE. Their spells are from the school of necromancy. What any existing class has to do with Necromancers is 100% lost on me. They’re not the same thing and no one cares if one spell is similar to another spell. Big whoop.


I would actually support this as a spec.

I would want blizzard to rip shadow off of priest, give priest a RDPS to compensate, and move Shadow onto a class alongside maybe the concept of a nightmare or death druid and maybe mix in a little dark shaman. (Blizzard would have to get shadow’s concept streamlined a little more though as it’s kind of all over the place themewise. Void/Psychic/Vampire/Old God and yes i’m going to separate Void and Old God as themes as while Old God is of the Void the Void is not Old God.)

Call the class Apostate.

A Lich lives forever, a mage does not. In fact, if Jaina doesn’t want to die (because she has something that must be done), she’ll inevitably seek out the knowledge, and it’s totally within her capability.

In a world of magic, a mage is a scientist. If something can be done through incantations, there’s no need to turn to gods for help. It’s because of the mages’ pride, that they don’t have healing spells—— those are manifestations of divine power.

Not every mage is a battle mage, most of them do research. When they become old, they face this choice: either die from old age, and loose all the knowledge they have accumulated during their lifetime; Or use this very knowledge to achieve immortality, and have all the time in the world to pursue their undertakings.

Now in their world, this is actually doable, and the act itself is not inherently evil. It’s not so different from using science (transplantation, gene, cyborg) to prolong one’s lifespan. It’s just that, after they have lived thousands of years, they’ll naturally consider others who can’t live past a century, not their equals. They’ll inevitably lose appreciation of life.

The transformation doesn’t necessarily involve spectacularly evil acts. One Lich in Baldur’s Gate 2, simply read a parchment and became a Lich, he doesn’t even know what he’s become or how many years have past. In Ogre Tactics, a character simply needs to die while wearing a Ring of the Dead, for him/her to come back as a Lich.

Every rule has exceptions. There can be good/neutral Liches, just like there exists a drow ranger. I hope Jaina becomes a Lich someday, and find a way to preserve her good-looking, although she can always use an illusion. But that’s not the real thing is it, honestly becoming Lich is the least harmful way, I can hardly imagine Jaina becoming a vampire.

If Lich is anything remotely similar to a proper necromancer then I AM SUPER HYPED. I main a DK. I really don’t care what people have to say but an unholy DK does not fit the necromancer fantasy at all for me. I need a robe and a dagger or staff and a tome for that. A plate wearing warrior who cuts through things and happens to have an undead pet doesn’t do it for me. I’d rather see unholy reworked.

Also if they do a level squish I will be extremely happy. I keep wanting to level allied races and I always quit because of how ridiculous a mountain 120 levels is to climb.

That being said, I’d also love a tinker class.


Not to discourage you but blight druids/death druids are literally kul’tiran druids. I know blizzard does a terrible job of emphasizing the cultural differences with classes but the drust story line among other things show you that the druid you desire RP wise is Kul’tiran.

I’d love if they added skins to classes based on your race though so people could actually play their racial class fantasies.

Well Activision/Blizz is a state owned Chinese company right? Makes sense the leak would appear there first.

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So, that’s it? They just live longer?

WoW… gee… that is amazing, lets make an entire new class of mages, that are just undead mages that live forever…

It’s not like we already have Forsaken Mages… oh wait.

I know what a lich is, but it offers nothing different than what a Forsaken Mage would basically do.

So… again… why exactly do we need this?

There is going to be no new class this xpac. instead they’ll just be extending DKs to the allied races. voila! “new class”!

A lich is also considerably more potent than your average mage, to even become one is typically the very pinnacle of forbidden rituals and complex magicks. To encounter one is truly dangerous.

It’s not as simple as a “mage that just lives longer” that’s an understatement of the power that liches wield. Their immortality is but part of it. Their very being is infused with magic of various kinds, and they wield it more potently and easily than their previous selves would have. On top of this they are obviously magi that do not care to stick to just the “allowed” magic, they can and will use all sorts of dark and forbidden nasty stuff if they so desire unless you encounter one of those rare ones that are somehow good.

If DK’s are the enhanced versions of normal warriors and/or paladins, then Liches are the enhanced super version of normal magi.

Oh, so we’re just making Death Knight 2.0 to replace mages like death knights did early wrath.

Wow. I don’t see how adding in new overpowered classes could ever cause issues. :roll_eyes:

I just personally think it’s a dumb idea, If you wanna RP a Lich, make a Forsaken Mage.

We don’t need more “Hero” classes like Death Knights and Demon Hunters.

It reads like you are being deliberately contrarian and baity with how you simplify it and make very obviously wrong comparisons with the Forsaken mage.

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Lich’s also willingly join and work for the Scourge, nobody was raised as a lich in the sense of corpses being raised as zombies. There is usually some sort of ritual and only the most loyal casters are given the “gift” of lichdom. They are not LK mind-slaves like 99% of the undead.

Aye they belong to the intelligent higher-tier undead, and indeed in this case willingly from the start because they usually hail from the cult of the damned. None of them were unwillingly raised into being a lich, which makes them even more dedicated than the Death-Knights whom can and mostly have been raised after their deaths unwillingly.

It’s a very interesting point, Liches are truly the most loyal ones of the entire Scourge.

I highly doubt Jaina would become a lich after what shes been through in life. After Kel’Thuzad, the pesky mage and the Cult of the Damned, after Arthas and his turning to madness, and heck, even after her experience recently with drustvar and Gorak’Tul, I’d imagine becoming a Lich to be the last thing she’d even think about.

Plus, shes not that old. Shes only like thirty something. If even that old. Might be in her upper twenties. (really wish blizz would give us an official timeline already…). The only reason her hair is white/silver is because of the constant stress on her throughout her life.

Actually it was the mana bomb.

Another BS rumor, don’t get hyped until its on PTR or shown by Blizzard.

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Are people forgetting that liches are twenty foot tall floating skeletons?

Liches won’t be a class for the same reason pit lords won’t.

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