Because neither fullfill that fantasy, Death Knights are Dark Paladins more than they are Necromancers and Warlocks are Demon stuff

Unholy Death knights come closest but they are still more melee dedicated than true casters and specializing in magic


I don’t wanna be a lich. I just want to play a necromancer that isn’t forced to be melee.

I’d settle for being one of the generic Cult of the Damned necromancers


We don’t. Every once in a while someone trots out this idea that was rejected by the devs as a class and incorporated into a different class years ago. They always think it’s their original hot new idea, too.


Anyway, if you were going to incorporate such an idea I would think that dark druids would be the way to go. Death is a part of nature. Their sigil would be the crow and they would have fealty to some goddess like Badhbh Catha.

Necromancers nor liches are known to be like that though, they are mages that turned to forbidden and dark magics with the help of the Lich King letting them in on those secrets

Having it be a druid thing would be weird, particularly because raising into undeath is against the natural order. Death is a natural thing yeah, undeath not so much

People in gaming have been talking about blight druids for years. The concept has a cult following and I would definitely roll one in WOW if we had such a thing. Undeath is is an integral part of celtic mythology as evidenced by banshees and sluaghs along with other various revenants. Banshees are an ENTIRELY celtic concept, along with druids. They pretty much go hand in hand.

If we follow the ranged/melee combinations sharing a common theme we have:

Priests & Paladins = Holy

Warlocks & Demon Hunters = Fel

Liches/Necromancers & Death Knights = Death Magic + Frost

I think it’s totally doable by Blizzard if they wanted to.


another reason to prune DKs even more. If they actually did it, I would laugh my @$$ off.

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Nope give us something not dark, gross, brooding, or metal.

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Me too, I always wanted a necromancer or death caster since I started playing WoW. I tried the death knight class but they never really filled that class fantasy for me.

With BFA introducing the death magic of the witches of Drustvar, alongside Gorak Tul, the Blighted Lands, the mention of Mueh’zala (the Loa of Death) and the blood troll liches in Nazmir I started to hope Blizzard would go in that direction for a new class.


Wrath of Bolvar

They tried that with monks. The least played class…


Necromancer please

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I would prefer they simply add this as new spec, then a whole new class.

Tru! when they got announced i thought to myself, what a awful looking class…played it and i still wasnt won over…we have plenty of HERO classes that are good except for Dk’s, Demon hunters, warlocks…we need another dark class to balance it out

Threads like these get my hopes up, even though it’s not that likely they’ll be going for these. Still… if that was the case then i’d have a new main class for sure.


Lich are basically necromancers at their peak, so I’d love this. This might actually make me play again. Looking forward to blizzcon, I’ve been dipping my feet into other games and I’m having fun, so kinda make or break with WoW for me.

Tinker would be disappointing.

So it’ll be tinker


Can it please not be a lich class.


What exactly can a lich do that a Mage cannot?