I mean, if blizz would take a more Elder Scrolls take on talents and classes, we could just play whatever class we wanted with the right build. But I think esports (and possibly copyright) is not gonna let that heppen.

I never said LFD or Velves werent wasted ARs as well : /

damned heretics the lot of them.

Mail armor is trash and annoying to design. Only 2 classes use it and theyre not even similar. A hunter should def be using leather.
Demon hunter barely uses armor so i dont know how mail makes sense at all.

Shaman should be cloth or plate. The idea of mail just doesnt make sense as mail was usually worn under other armor including leather


You’re insane.

Why would a Shaman wear plate?

Why would an ENHANCE Shaman wear CLOTH?

Mail makes PERFECT sense.

Obviously you know nothing about armor, and have never cracked open a D & D book in your life.

They have a tank spec that would be well suited to Mail armor.

The DPS spec is kinda squishy at first, and would benefit from a stronger armor type.

Do you even think this stuff through before you post?

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That’d actually be pretty awesome. More advanced than a Necromancer

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Unholy Death Knights are Necromancers lite.

Not in a power sense because lore-wise they tend to be stronger than most Necromancers but they are very different. They lose the casting stuff for melee-prowess. They are like the witchers to the sorcerers. The Paladins to the Priests. Not the same and only partially using the magic instead of specializing in that, instead replacing half of it with melee stuff.

Lore disagrees.

Great, now read the rest of the post.

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I see no reason to change anything.

Again, lore disagrees.

Blizzard disagrees.

They even admitted that Death Knights have aspects of Runemasters and Necromancers.

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve wanted a death themed caster since death knights were introduced.

We’ve never had a new class that was a caster. It’s always melee/tank/healer.

I’d love a caster, especially a necromancy based one. Would be a dream come true for me :heart_eyes:


I could see it.

Little more unique than just a plain ole necromancer.

Probably has a demon hunter like transformation on a cd.


With the addition of the Vulpera I would assume a lick class is more likely.

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Except you’d be wrong there. Please don’t generalize like that.


You have absolutely no idea what youre talling about.
Hunters wearing anything but leather is silly and ridiculous.

Shamans in other fantasy realms are either alternate mages/druids. Shamans in wow are completely different.

Thrall, our main shaman rocked gear that would be considered plate by most standards until he put on his little cloth jacket

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Hes not wrong tho…


I’ve said DH should have been mail too a few times and people flip out.

It was needed to balance out the loot tables, shamans and hunters hurt for armor and hunter hurt for weapons.

So another ranged mail class does make sense from a balance stand point

Plus tinkers if they get a mech form like some of the gnomes have… The Asian markets really enjoy big robots. (Don’t get me wrong, I love me mechs too, but Gundam/transformer/code geass for me)

I’m not saying I particularly want tinkers, just could be likely.

I’d be more inclined to play dark ranger or a lich

No one is interested in tinkers. I will generalize all I want. Its not wrong if its true.


Liches are special. They’re characters important within the lore of the game. Is everyone so bloody insecure that they HAVE to be the focal point of the game now? I knew this whole chosen one theme wasn’t going to end well.

Why do we need Lich when we have Unholy Death Knights and Warlocks?

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