I think it will be an offshoot of the DK as a new class. This may be where the flaming sword comes from.

Yeah its in eso, each armor type gives special bonuses which means more customization. Its like the current wow armor but not tied to a necklace and not a bandaid on a horribly streamlined talent system.

With a reduced number of levels, they might bring back the old talent system.

I seriously hope they do. If they dont bring back the classic through cata style talent trees but still decrease max level, it will be such a waste and they shouldnt bother lowering max level at all.

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I just want my duel wielding arms warrior again lol. Hybrid classes where amazing. This mmorpg needs more rpg elements. Being forced into a cookie cutter class and always being a champion is a real letdown.


Tell me about it, I miss being able to have more than one disease and a ghoul while in blood. Why can blood and frost control undead but not raise undead? Seriously blizz, at least give the other specs our ghouls back if you arent going to open back up classes. Classes should be classes, not specs. I really miss that customization that the old talent trees gave us.

And look at all these other online and singleplayer games. Many of them have “talent” or “skill” trees very similar to the old talent point system. While none of them imitate the current iteration.

Yeah, there are many complaints about frost losing the ability to use 2-handed weapons which is one reason why its a dying class.

Frost deathknights are normally viewed as slow behemoths that slow their targets with cold and obliterate and executes them with heavy weapons. I kinda get that blizzard wants to make them attack like a fast flurry and blizzard but why not give people the option to choose their own flavor of the class.

Havent been able to play frost since cata, but even in cata I began playing DW frost. Just didnt like the MoP frost dk. But, I do miss being able to use two one handers for fury. I liked going back and forth between one and two handers.

But I do like the current aesthetic of frost dks, the flurry of frost and steel, a real blizzard. Its just not fun to play for me, even if it does look cool.

Don’t get me started on just how imbalanced fury is to arms. How fury gets the same attacks and abilities but are free and even generate rage whereas arms is just full of rage dumps and has wait periods when in the past, arms was the rage efficient high damage, fury was high dps and critical strikes.

Now fury is just the obvious choice, heck they get 2 two-handed weapons which is like a double arms warrior lol. They even get more stats overall because of it.

I really dont understand why Fury’s execute now generates rage… I really liked the MoP and WoD versions of Fury. Legion kinda killed it for me.

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Yeah and you can mog across types too. Which should have happened a long time ago in wow.

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i think mail shouldnt be an issue for blizz…They have made 2 new classes that use leather back to back…so basically them balancing armor types isnt there top concern on determining the next class… will the next class be leather? no…imo i think Cloth is fine to add because of Lich’s style…they might merge mail…or that might be there next Next Class expansion idea to go on…but with the lich king rumors…i doubt we see a tinker class…makes no sense for the theme of death to have a gnome tinkerer as your new class to jump into

This made me genuinely smile. Thank you for that.

So will i be right about Blizzcon? only 4 days left!

nope, nope.

The Lich class could have a phylactery that they drop when they die which allows them to self-rez as many times as they want unless its targeted and destroyed. :smiling_imp: