New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

To be honest though, you don’t seem to be the type of person who sees LGBT only to be used like OP here, but rather as people. And seeing OP’s angry response to your comment , i’m willing to believe you more then him.

He doesn’t know what the word stalking is. Just like how he doesn’t know what the word “inclusive” is. :laughing:


posting in a T****** thread.

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pretty sure they were talking about you but the devs have often trolled the players so it wouldn’t be anything new.

Really wish the ignore feature wouldn’t show me threads started by someone on my ignore list…


Mate, you are the only person who is making what the person is matters here. You fit your own bill here.



Tbh, WoW does always have odd IRL things here and there that isn’t just LGBT, like pop culture references and some items, like a camera that takes selfies and such. RPG’s sometimes exist in an equal footing world where the history and psyche of male and female aren’t accounted for, or downplayed, like in Elder Scrolls for instance.

That word does not mean what you think it means.


I take it that was his response to me? The funny part is I don’t give a damn if he is gay, straight or from another planet. I just find him to be condescending, rude and a bit of a bigot himself.


You care about this more than how flawed the game is right now?


Wow, it’s almost like a game centered on creating a character of your own should include a variety of ways to identify said character to one’s satisfaction. :roll_eyes:

Dude. It’s a part of who someone is. That’s all. I guarantee you that even a peasant farmer knows what gender they identify as. Maybe you can’t understand it because you’ve never had society violently question your right to exist as who you are.

Some people feel that neither male nor female suits them. It’s really that simple.


Yes, but there’s a fairly simple way to check yourself.


We should be able to switch between male and female looks each day . Or blizz racist ?

It’s true though, but not for the exact reasons people may think. Humans tend to fear what they cannot quantify or understand. People do fear and generally deny the scientific fact that primates are largely not gender static. Homosexuality is very common and cannot be bred out. In fact, populations largely remained unchanged which means that it is in the genetic code. It is certainly not mental illness. Primate societies and other animals find it useful that small groups of individuals may assume atypical gender roles. Some amphibians (others?) are even able to switch gender in certain conditions. Birds eggs can hatch asexually. Life is ever adapting shades of gray and never black and white and that includes gender roles and sexuality.

Good Lord.

Stop putting real world politics into fantasy games.


Isn’t gender a social construct? Amphibians don’t have social constructs.

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When you only read a clickbait headline and not the article:

“the only place this index is used is for armor sets which change appearance based on gender - one robe model may be more revealing for females and use a different texture than males, which this index is used to annotate. At the same time, another robe which uses the same model for both genders would be marked as “both.” This is nothing new though, all four options have been in the database binary files for at least several expansions , although “none” doesn’t appear to have ever actually been used.”


Yeah, they never care about the quality of the game i’ve noticed. :man_shrugging:

I’ve said it before and i’l say it again, pronouns isn’t exactly an easy thing to implement like how other customization options were, because of how more involved it is then just simple aesthetics. That being pronouns are constantly being referenced in quest text and such.

I don’t know why you need to be violently questioned in order to understand it. A simple explanation is enough without needing to go though that.

Also, it’s “what you are”. not "who you are’.

Who you are refers to personality and actions you’ve chosen and such that has nothing to do with what you are. What you are refers to your race, age, gender, orientation, etc.

Ehh, i can see that, i just don’t think that’s lacking a gender still. Conventional genders, sure.

… /sigh

Wellp… Begins sharpening the scalpels.

Here we go:

The issue is, in my opinion, more nuanced than anyone is really addressing to any satisfaction.

Is there a problem with adding customizable gender terminology in of itself?

No, of course not. It is an aesthetic choice, and one that does not affect other players in aggregate. There are some ideologues who will come out of the woodwork to express their religious convictions on the subject, but they also do that about Harry Potter, and those sorts of opinions do not belong in the discourse of a fantasy discussion, and should be limited to the spaces specifically for ideological discourse.

Why, then, do these changes rub people the wrong way or make them roll their eyes?

Because of current political culture and the pervasiveness of signaling ones virtue, even from a corporate platform, essentially.

I think the blindspot that “progressives” have, and that is masterfully demonstrated in this thread, is that they are manufacturing their own opposition, and then act all surprised pikachu about it…

What I see from my vantage point is as follows:

Blizzard is in the midst of a public flogging for past abusive actions towards their employees. The political dominion of “safeguarding” the group rights of protected classes is overwhelmingly held by the political left wing.

We then see something of a concerted effort by Blizz to snuggle up to this liberal political establishment in such a way that they can say, “Hey! We’re very progressive, too! We’re on your side, share, and fight for your values, so we should really just be supporting each other, right? No need to investigate us further, we are very progressive, and we are only on the right side of history.”

Meanwhile, the company is run by a meglomaniac, robber baron-esque, cutthroat ulta-capitalist in Kotick…

So what we have ended up with is a scenario where the playerbase feels that Blizz are doing these things to posture for the political left exclusively. It’s not because players asked for them(dispite what the EXTREMELY vocal minority would have you believe), it’s not because of compassion, empathy, or ethics, it very much seems that this is being done for optics, given their current legal situation.

This, however, is completely ignored by the segment of the playerbase who are also consumed by this political dogma, who throw their hands up in the air and cheer for Bobby’s token, behind-covering “support”.

Subsequently, two forces are mobilized: the people that see through the charade for what it is and are appropriately irritated that Blizz would allow such an intrusion into our fantasy world purely for the sake of saving face because of their own damn mistakes, and also the ideological/religious opposition to “progressiveism”, but who believe that this posturing from blizzard is actually a real representation of their internal politics, and desired direction for the company, and are simply politically opposed.

From here, you can see for yourself in this very thread the effect of all of these causes. The “progressive” playerbase, who will support “woke changes” no matter what, and in spite of the greater context, will decry any difference in opinion as a morally corrupt, and assign them labels(usually ending with “-ist” or “phobe”), then act aloof to further engagement, and hold their morally superior nose in the air. The politically opposed will then rattle of their own dogmatic reasons why such changes are morally bankrupt and backwards, but neither side is ultimately willing to listen to each other.

… Which leaves those that are able to see through the veil of posturing, dogma, and grandstanding.

Unfortunately, these folks are the real losers here. Folks that just want to play a game, made by a proud company who takes care of their employees, who loves their culture, their craft, and their product, and leaves politics, religion, dogma, and customer manipulation at the door every day that they walk into the office.

TL;DR: Blizz are just trying to distract, obfuscate, and pander their way to safer waters, considering their current legal woes.

Wokesters cheer and clap for these as it supports their personal ideology, and label anyone who disagrees some form of deplorable.

Righties rage, then ineffectively spout their own ideologies as reasons against the base-level woke-ism.

The two sides then yell at each other for no reason, and the people that actually see what’s going on are left with a RL political dimension, and palpable virtue signaling in game, all the while their gameplay and story concerns are met with crickets.

Pretty sad, TBH.


Excuse me - an intrusion into your fantasy world? Dude.

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