New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Fixed it back for ya. Not really sure what you were trying to communicate through your post, though.

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Meh, if it means the next expansion’s NPCs don’t call me they I’ll gladly take this hot and exciting new feature. That was awkward during Shadowlands’ story quests.


No… in concept. It is a customization option like any other.

But in practice for devs, it honestly depends on how they set the game up, because pronouns, aren’t as simple as what you write in an RP and that’s that. Quest text and dialogue text constantly refers to the pronouns, and this can be seen in effect with male/female characters. If not for the fact “they” will probably change something in an unintended way if it’s slap haphazardly, it’s for the fact there’s over 17 years of text that 50% times out of 100% refers to this at most.

Well the question isn’t whether or not it affects over players.

Though it now does make me wonder if this is the sort of thing will be used to flag other people or other malicious deeds, considering how quick to anger for simple mistakes as misgendering people and wouldn’t even give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t know. :thinking:

Correct. They strawman. :slight_smile:

Agreed. I just think we understand were in a lose-lose situation with Blizzard here regardless what we do in the eyes of progressives. Quitting will either hurt the genuine people or victims who worked on the game or continuing will pay the people who has done the hurting.

That’s honestly the price to pay for pretty much doing that. You dig a proverbial hole for yourself by doing that, instead of keeping things actually equal or just be uninvolved and just respect people as people. Sadly, they see that as “evil”, even if you done nothing inherently evil.

While also ignoring that Bobby knew about the sexual conduct and didn’t even do anything.

… I personally don’t mind LGBT being in WoW, i mean we had this for a good while in some RPG’s and even games where they just straight up ignore human psyches and history just to make characters how they wanted to. Something to enjoy regardless of what you are, or what they are, because it’s their personality and actions, as well their emotions and all the other writing goodness is what makes their character. They just don’t feel the need to make it special.

And we also see this from Ubisoft to some extent, which basicly means this sort of “progressiveism” is a huge red flag all around.

…Pretty much. :man_shrugging:

That’s an odd statement you’ve made considering you spent most of the comment separating the groups that are mostly left thinking here from whom we have an issue with. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I never think being Right Wing means you are inherently a bigot, despite with me disagreeing with some of their traditional values, and despite that there are bigots on the right. But there’s bigots on the left too because political leanings are about what you believe in, making it pretty much independent from your actions or morals as a character since they define you more so then what you believe in.

Going back to Kotick one more time, i’ve actually seen this article that a right wing group don’t want Bobby Kotick on Coca Cola’s brand. :point_down:

…which is strange, because i’ve never noticed he was part of the cola brand to begin with until yesterday when i’ve discovered this article.

Funny thing about this that I have brought up before in other threads: the first depiction of anything “LGBT” in the warcraft universe was actually Lady Vashj trying to seduce Tyrande while she was a prisoner in the War of the Ancients novels. It was completely organic scene, and left one with no residue of political suggestion whatsoever. I think it great execution, honestly, because there was no intent behind it. It merely was a vehicle by which the scene and story was portrayed.

Drilling more into the core of your point, I think this is another area where progressives shoot themselves in the foot… media of recent times has portrayed so many examples of LGBT relationships that are set up and executed in such a way that it almost feels like they leave a pause for applause and cheers whenever the LGBT “bombshell moment” occurs in a narrative, to the point that it feels cliché and discursive to anyone not involved in the LGBT or Ally culture.

Ultimately, I think this is where the “shoving it down our throats” idea comes from. Personally, I don’t subscribe to it, because it feels more to me an issue where it has been done so much that any time LGBT content is portrayed, it elicits this reaction from some people reflexively, even when it’s done well and without pandering, which muddies the water even further. Not even mentioning the obligatory “phobes” and “ists” I surely must be for even considering such a position.

I don’t think being on the right makes you that either, and never said as much. What I’m saying is that when ever there is a push from the left, the right pushes back, and vice versa, however, the crux of what I meant was that these two factions argue from their respective subjective views of the world, themselves, and one another, rather than by a centered, objective and fact-based view.

Which results in a lot of ineffectual back- and- forth in these kinds of discussions that generally drowns out the sound of objectivity reason altogether.

Makes sense to me! The left is mad because he’s an ultra-capitalist and obfuscates abuse, and the right hates him for pandering to left wing politics because he’s an ultra-capitalist and obfuscates abuse.

The dude just wants his cheddar, and he’ll say and do anything for anyone to keep that cheese-train chuggin’ smooth, and somehow he managed to dupe an astounding number of people in the process.


No one is surprised by this except the alphabet people.

Time to get rid of war then

Very well said. I did not expect to find such a reasonable comment around here.

Some people really need to get over themselves.

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You put my feelings on this into words far better than I ever could have. I think you are my new favorite poster. I just want to shout “get over yourself!” at some people…you are far more evolved than I.


The fact that you think offering pronoun options in character creation is somehow an “intrusion” is the problem. You’re clearly not nearly as progressive as you tried to repeatedly claim in your post.

  1. Politics has been a part of fiction since forever.

  2. I wonder why anything other than straight, heterosexual, white, and male in fiction is considered “politics”. Hmmm…


Straight baby born , nobody cares.
I’m born as well. PoLiTiCAl StATeMuHnT


I don’t get people like you.

Imagine being this bitter and angry over a video game. Seriously. If you hate WoW so much —> the door.

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Eating Nutella is also wrongthink, don’t you know? All that palm oil and deforestation… Tsk tsk.

To clarify: I did not assert that the inclusion of pronoun options was an intrusion. What I was referring to specifically was the intrusion of changes in-game for the purpose of Blizzard’s posturing and optics.

I would say the same thing if Blizzard added something to posture toward the right. Idk, adding crosses or bible verses as tattoo options or something…

Its not that I disagree with peoples ability to represent themselves, in either case, it’s that Blizzard is only doing that given their situation legally, and for optics. Id prefer it to be kept away from the game, thank you.

I wouldn’t care whatsoever if they weren’t embroiled in a politically charged lawsuit, and if the other aspects of the game were in order to the point where such specific customization options were the highest on the list of priorities in giving players what they are asking for, but that is very clearly not the case.

I am left-leaning, but largely identify as center, being that the word “progressive” has been coopted so aggressively by the hard left trying to synonymize themselves with the concept of “Progress”.

  1. Politics in the context of largely feudal monarchies, peasantries, tribes, fiefdoms,and theocracies indeed have been part of the particular branch of fiction known as fantasy since forever… but modern, real world politics regarding intersectionality, and viewing things through highly specific markers of your identity, however, have not. Nor, I would argue, is the “message” behind WoW, and any of its narratives. I think you may be mistaking stories of compassion or honor for your own dogma or ideology, but its a pretty common mistake of the ideologically posessed to not be able to tell the difference.

  2. In… In all of fiction, anything that isn’t straight, white, or male is considered “political”? Is that really your claim here? I might consider walking that back. Hyperbole is often the enemy of progress, is it not?


It’s not. What a ridiculous straw-man. Nobody thinks like that. Maybe you have a personal perspective that sometimes makes it feel that way, but come on.



I’m not gonna play the line-by-line breakdown game with you, my dude. Anyone with a shred of reasonable humanity is able to simultaneously welcome changes that make the game more inclusive while also recognizing that Blizzard is still tangled in a bed of nastiness. So in short: I don’t really care why they implement gender options in the game. It really doesn’t make any difference whatsoever, because in practice - guess what? We still get a more inclusive character creation experience. That doesn’t mean I - or anyone else - is suddenly ignoring all the bad Blizzard has done, and it’s disingenuous to imply otherwise.

You also have an extremely narrow view of “fantasy” and clearly haven’t read some of great classics of fantasy to think that this kind of “politics” hasn’t been around for a very long time. Have you never read anything by Ursula K. Le Guin, for example? Good lord. xD


Heck I’m still waiting for a youtuber I follow to finish a book he’s working on that includes alien life that existed before the big bang. Since it’s also a political drama but ITS INTERESTING.

11:35 for those curious. Because when you’re a race of aliens that can only die if your brain is completely destroyed, politics are gonna eventually happen

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Isn’t the player base the player base, though? Like, you can’t do something edgy and then act like it’s the community’s fault “that they just don’t get it.” This isn’t politics, there’s no “base” to be out of touch with. You’re either in, a player, or out, not a player.

I mean I realize this is just an old troll but humor me for a minute. The instant they, whoever they may be, move to goal posts so only people like them exist within and everyone else is “off base,” well society isn’t necessarily done but it’s getting there.


Accepting pronouns don’t make you inherently progressive either. Something that was demonstrated by OP here.

That is true. I never accept the idea of LGBT or anything that isn’t white, straight or male being political in itself. Nothing of what the person is, is political in any shape or form, quite literally. You can be a spoon and it doesn’t change who you are.

They are however, more concerned of the message behind that and what it entails. If the game presented an LGBT character and don’t make a big deal out of it, and instead treat them like people, people will be alright with it. Look at Pelagos and the deer couple for instance.

Oh god, this again. :man_facepalming:

  1. And most importantly, nobody ever considers anything but straight white male is politics. You are the only person who is you are saying that. So please stop using this strawman argument that nobody ever uses.
  2. This argument just also points out your own inconsistency here, rather then be consistant with your ideas.
  3. You don’t need both Hetro or straight, either one would do.

It’s not a game, he’s actually trying to debate with you. And if you are going admit to refusing to even explain or defend your own points, that’s not his fault, that is you being unreasonable and closed minded on your part. :confused:

Your doing this thing where you seem to think “It’s only humanity if you listen and agree with me”. You also made it all the more ironic by saying this after… :point_down:

… We have seen this sort of virtue signaling before, from companies like Ubisoft, where they show where it’s all sunshine and butterflies with the characters of all sorts (proverbially speaking), while the company is still pretty bad. It’s used more as a distraction for those who are involved the game, usually the players. As i said before, it’s more or less a red flag, rather then a sign of “Things working out just fine!”.

And you would understand this isn’t done out of kindness for the players. I mean you know these changes ingame, don’t fix the company?


Your entire post seems to assume that I’m against the implementation of custom pronouns. I’m not, and I think that is evident in my first post. What I’m against is the timing and context. It’s grimy and comes off as such, while also managing to tarnish what could have been an otherwise welcome addition. Could’ve been added with last names, apostrophes in names, armor coverage options, etc. If that had come out prior to the scandal, or after the verdicts, I sincerely believe everyone would be somewhere between nonplussed to stoked.

But they didn’t do that. They’re apparently doing this, and subsequently, we are arguing in this thread.

While I found Those Who Walk Away From Omelas to be a very unique and intriguing concept, no, I haven’t had the time to dedicate to reading more of her works sadly. Nevertheless, the politics of Warcraft have never really involved modern identity politics, and I think it’s for the better it stay that way. The core of the political motif of Warcraft is the inevitability of war where greed, and tribalism in the face of limited resources rear their head, which is essentially apolitical, in my view, and to add some dimension of modern political discourse to that would be to taint the well that we all drink from with something that will produce entirely unforseen results.

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No kidding, i think this is reflective of the society we live in where we don’t stop the proverbial pendulum from swinging.