New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

At this point who cares? Who cares what you identify as.

I rather care if someone is a cool person. What most people don’t realize is no matter what you are, if you’re a jerk, people are going to treat you as such.

So please do not come at people with vitriol when they don’t get it, it’s a game and they’ll eventually get over it.

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I’m sorry, back in my day Final Fantasy 7 was a game about saving the planet from the big bad corporation. Suikoden was an RPG about war, discrimination, Warcraft 3 was about finding a way to move past the collection pain from wars past. Chrono Cross/trigger had their own messages about taking care of the world/discrimination/and morality.

I am not sure what games you are talking about, but most of the Good RPGs have things to actually say. Ergo, they are “political”.


I thought if it was female it was female. Why are you splitting the two in to seperate groups by saying female titles on males? It’s just honestly confusing which is why I believe their is a lot of discontinuity and disharmony and that is why the masses aren’t very receptive. Simplicity is a beautiful thing.

Your opinion may be different from mine but it does not make you argumentative. Debating is healthy because viewpoints may be refined.


Because not all females are women. Not all males are men. We also have non-binary identifying people in the world. Welcome to your 5 second science lesson.

What’s non-binary? I’ve heard of it, but never understood it.

Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn’t really sit comfortably with “male” or “female”.

Think of it like a slider in a video game. On either end you have male / female but then you got all this space in the middle.

Also think of gender like software. While the physical body is the hardware. So non binary doesn’t always equal someone being intersex.

And just in case folks don’t know. Intersex is the word for folks that have both male and female parts. They did have a more commonly used word for that in the past but from what I gathered it is seen in kind of a bad light in the community so folks use Intersex instead.


If you want simplicity, just let everyone be themselves.

No one owes you a definition of who they are. Nor do you owe anyone the same. You want everyone to accept you for who you are, why doesn’t everyone else deserve the same from you? Just accept them as is.

Why do you care? Why does it confuse you? Why is it so important to you? How does it personally affect you?

I like chocolate ice cream because I just do. I never chose it. It’s also not important to you. Nor should it confuse you. It has absolutely no bearing on you unless I buy the last box of chocolate-chocolate Häagen-Daz bars because I got there first. Oh well.

A century ago it was scandalous when women stopped wearing corsets and started wearing trousers! The outrage was huge! Why? Because men felt threatened. Most of them got over it. Some refused to and have passed that soul-eating pointless outrage down through generations.

Time for you (everyone) to let go of your fear of things not like you because it’s not about you.

Fear is the mind-killer.


As true as that may be. Freedom is the worst lie there is sadly. Someone will always want to call the shots and not care whose neck they are standing on.

While I get where you’re coming from, nothing wrong really with asking a question and learning something. I can’t imagine schools talk about this stuff. Mine sure didn’t but that was 15 years ago

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Your problem is you’re assuming things are “normal” and everything else is not normal.

There’s been straight relationships in warcraft for decades.

But they include one gay relationship and y’all throw a tantrum.

Straight is not the default.

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Is it on pancakes? Waffles? Because that’s the only good use for Nutella.

That requires time and effort. Whatever this other thing is they can just throw out there as a distraction. “Sure our game has more bugs than a housing project, but you can pick your pronouns”.


So does stalking every LGBT+ related thread on these forums. Blocked.

Stalking? My how definitions have changed. Silly me just thought I was reading something I knew nothing about while killing time for the coffee to finish brewing.

I am flattered that you blocked me though.



No thanks.

I’ll instead pretend you said something wholesome like “Trans women are women.”


I thought you were ignoring me. Maybe you are stalking me instead. That is sweet.


I always love this “fear” hyperbole. :rofl:. Most people are very empathetic and just want people to get the help they need.


What ‘help’ do people need?

Please elaborate because I’m concerned you may be referencing something abhorrent like conversion ““therapy””.


My confusion usually stems from the fact that we don’t have any actual conversation about what authentic femininity and masculinity are enough to determine when someone doesn’t feel like one or the other. Someone close to me is non-binary, and while I 100% respect them, I simply don’t understand it. When they say they don’t feel “girly” or “feminine,” the attributes they describe aren’t, to me, core to the feminine person. In fact, a lot of times they are the stereotypical traits that feminists have been arguing against for years. So, trying to sync a.) the feminist view of things not being core to femininity with b.) those very same traits being at the core of femininity to the point that disassociation with them makes you feel not feminine, just confuses me.

But I digress.