New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Tbh, regarding the pronouns suggestion, what a lot of people don’t know, isn’t just a change that resides with just the character. It has to fit within all the text that is written regarding the character, without being awkward to read, even more so then <race> and <class>. Not to mention the voices (though they commonly have avoided pronoun’s i’ve noticed). And it’s a very tiny thing. More so then the customizations that actually change the looks of your character.

In comparison to that, the rest of the game will remain untouched because it really is just an aesthetic choice, like mogs. No quest i seen seem to refer to any customizations i’ve used.

I can give you some advice for stress relief if you’d like. You seem to be a little worked up over non-binary folks.


Can we, as the forums, stop bringing up Camps under the same topic regarding to what the person’s external traits are?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Like mate, relax.

dolls, e-dolls to be more specific. everybody getting all worked up about f’n e-dolls.

You have to draw a line somewhere.

How do you justify the sudden appearance of gender crossed races in the world of warcraft lore?

Umm… Barber knew another trick about swapping genders? :man_shrugging:

Idk. i can easily come up a lore reason on why there is Oriental and Dark skinned humans, but i got nothing for gender mixed or anything that is non-binary that won’t make it sound like a bad thing, or something abnormal.

At this point, it’s just makes more sense and less headache inducing to decanonize the players in lore really, since the major named characters take up the lore spotlight anyways and not going to justify the customization options like they have with Night Warrior.

No kidding. I sometimes look at myself to make sure I still have a red background.

I find myself at times following Blood Elves to a portal that I can’t go through.
Then light bulb moment…it’s an Alliance portal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yes IRL things like gender neutral orcs are in my game now. I miss the days when it was only fiction like… binary orcs?

I’m confused by this statement :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sadly people like this need a lot more than just advice. Their hatred of LGBTQIA+ has totally consumed them, and as a result they are completely unhinged.

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Flagged for trolling.


No they call you a troll because you are one.


FF includes actually diverse gameplay.
It is still bound to two genders.

Then you take a look there and here:

  • Community is nicer
  • Game is more enjoyable
  • Environment much less toxic
  • Doing instances is actually fun and relaxing

WoW implements woke features.
WoW caters to players like OP

  • Community is mostly unreliable and bitter
  • Game is stressful and bogus
  • Environment is more toxic than games actually catering to toxic people like EVE online
  • doing anything is more a hassle than entertaining

So, yeah, I rather have a better game than doing irrelevant changes to show “wokeness”.


My OP was unflagged earlier. You OK?

You’re trolling. And you keep doing it. And it’s a little scummy.


And those same people call you a woman They’re not the kind of people I take very seriously.

Most call me an actual representative of lgbt issues here on the forums

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How exciting for you to know the entire player base!

Well, except for me. So nice to meet you!

While all the tears of fear of change are delicious in the moment, you must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Clearly.

But I have good news for you! You’re not going to be forced into using anything in the character creation screen you don’t wish to!

Instead, you can just be happy that some of your fellow players will finally get something they do want to use!

So unless you’re one of those people who gain pleasure in making others miserable and segregating total strangers that you think you don’t like, even though you’ll never meet them or play with them, and never will actually know anything about them, there’s no reason to be complaining.

And if you are one of those people, there’s always Classic.


They say that to your face, but they don’t actually mean it. It’s the same BS I have to deal with on a daily basis

Well, it is all about your actions.
Check activity and see for yourself.
You can always know who is who.

You cant be really considered a representative of a category that you make a mockery of by your behavior.


And pray tell, how exactly it’s a “”“mockery”"" to thank the devs for implementing features I’ve been asking for?


I don’t need to prove anything to you or anyone else I just have to keep putting money in the pockets of devs who cater to players like myself.

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