New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

I believe that Blizzard has backed themselves into a corner, even if they know certain trolling and drama-creating threads are happening they cannot delete them. It’s like they are forced to allow certain topics to flow, because if they did stop the threads and topics then they’d look like the bad guy since they’d be “silencing” certain groups. Pay attention to the OP, this will more than likely be a protected thread, just as most of his others are.

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I’m willing to bet it’s just the gear option and possibly the pronoun used by NPCs during dialogue. Things that other players won’t see at all. It won’t be good enough. Just like the “high elf” options weren’t enough.

The label is the character’s entire identity to some players.

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Of course that is in itself not treating people “equally” under the rules and makes them look more biased.


Until a female priest is a priestess I won’t play that class.

If this does happen it will be the nail on the coffin for me not to come back to retail. They better keep this woke crap out of classic.


Why do you roleplay as though I’m ever going to unblock you? Thank you for remaining subbed however I want Blizzard to get every bit of money they deserve for these changes!

You don’t really have me on block if you are choosing to unhide my comments and just mock me mate.

I mean if you are bothered with anything i’ve said, maybe actually converse with me? Have an open mind?..

You do realize some of the money is going to Bobby Kotick right? I mean you clearly saw the article i’ve linked…

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You’re doing it again. Interesting. Still won’t read it however. I’m going to ignore my next notification from you as well.

You do know this thing your doing, the “block and mock” is trolling, right?..

Also for somebody who labeled themselves progressive, you are conveniently forgetting that the CEO of Activision Blizzard knew about the sexual abuse, yet your okay paying for him as well…


That’s all they do anyways. I’ve had that person on ignore for a long time now. I suggest doing the same.


Oh don’t worry I’ve got that person muted when they went on a transphobic rant a while back. I wasn’t putting up with that for one second.

To be honest though, it’s much more entertaining to see these “progressives” be complete and total hypocrites.

I honestly don’t mind it all that much, but that’s because i’m not grandstanding or morally judging over playing video games, because nobody in their right mind would be like “Oh sweet! i’m so glad these women can get abused in the workplace by these terrible people”. But if you are going around saying you are progressive, you might want to check to see if the things you are doing are actually progressive first…

You do realize i can report you for essentially trying to smear my character with a lie like that? I mean you didn’t even source the quote of said rant. You are way more hateful then anybody ever could be friend, even Ralph isn’t that bad.

I am pro equality. So point to me where i’ve said something transphobic. Or is this you just slapping that label on me with no evidence to support that?..


Seems like you’re more interested in causing divide than brining harmony.


Yup, that’s what those “progressive” regressive types do sadly. They seem to think their hatred is love, and if you aren’t drinking their kool aid, your whatever label they throw at you to try to silence you whatever they can instead of actually being equal. :man_shrugging:

It’s something that is more malicious then trolling and could actually bring harm on somebody.


You’d be very surprised how very few players there were that had any real issue with this.

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WGAF if some person wants his male approximated parts e-doll to be given the title fairie princess of stormwind or some other person wants their female approximated parts e-doll to be given the title “the distinguished gentleman of orgrimhammer”.

Like seriously. Why the double H hockey sticks does anyone even give a crap what another persons edoll’s title is.

In the long run they will only destroy themselves.

Eventually that protective bubble they insulate themselves in will pop and when it does the weight of reality will come crashing down.

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Careful there, he might throw that “transphobe” label willy nilly for disagreeing with you, even though that actually diminish and take away from the actual transphobia in the world, which in turn, makes him worse then you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No kidding.

I have a feeling that all the people he called “transphobes” or “homophobes” have no trouble with the LGBT community what so ever. :thinking:

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They’ve taken over Stormwind D:

That’s the thing.

They can do both. They have multiple teams working on all sorts of aspects of the game.