New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

All of the examples you gave you could play the entire modern game without running into. Thus they are no more than digging up the Inquisition as an example of religion bad.
Gender pronoun changes are something that a religious person would have to face every day going forward.

And has been pointed out many times this nation is far more tolerant of violence than it is of sexuality.

People can run around in transmogs without their shirts on and in a bikini mog. That’s much more vulgar than gender pronouns being added. But yet you seem fine with that?

…Again, this isn’t about being against gender pronouns. If it’s in the game, nobody would mind it.

Even if it is, you say that like there are no legitimate arguments against for it. I understand why somebody would want this, despite having no aesthetic change to the character. Much like Last names, middle names and all the other RP bios sort of thing. I get it. Especially if your making a non-binary character.

But i also somewhat understand why anybody wouldn’t want this:

  • Something like that is already accomplished in RP addons.
  • That being it shouldn’t be a huge priority, that Wow Devs would have to go back and make sure it looks good, making the quest text gender neutral to fit the new system potentially. It’s not always just a simple “Oh this champion, They/She/He helped me!”.

While i don’t get the children angle he went with either, you’ve picked something that rarely happened in Warcraft lore at all, something that doesn’t even happen now a days. Hence why i bring up a more common occurrence, murder. (Or if you wish, Racism.) What are the chances children are going to find out about the old lore to know about that exactly?

That self same religious person would also be trying to cover that up as well…and probably has proposed that on these same boards.

Please note I am not referring to myself in this hypothetical. Its more an exercise in pointing out that there are other demographics who play this game so when Blizzard veers to the left…it will have an impact.

then who cares? this suggests that despite this they will concede their own values (as they are subscribed to be able to post on this board) and are just the resident complainer at the end of the day.

So basically “who cares” if you want non binary gender identities.

I sure don’t care. It was a request, and Blizzard obliged. So yes you are correct. Who cares? Why do we care about this? It’s just an addition to the game. You’re starting to catch on!

We also don’t know that is what that utility is even for. It looks as much like the template for setting skins on gear as anything.

My point was any move/change will have a cost if just slapped on there.

Starting to think WoW-head needs to be shut down.

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this is the biggest angle I can possibly see for actually being against these changes. they can code gender pronouns to be added to text but can’t fix their store mogs and /who lol.

Why people can’t care about this? Let them care for what they want. :man_shrugging:

Did you know that you can make a female or male toon? You aren’t “born” with a specific gender in WoW like you are in real life. Is this news to you??

Fair enough there regarding the utility could be for anything. But still why should anyone care if people request gender pronouns? Hypothetically someone could ask for Jesus Christ to become an NPC in the game and roam around the world giving people superbuffs and I wouldn’t care a bit.

People approach from the politicized angle way too much. I’d like this option just because I don’t like some of the title’s we are given from each expansion. Maw Walker sounds so lame and I’d rather they stop calling me that.

I don’t know why you guys report the OP, Blizzard doesn’t remove his threads.

Like you said it is a OP thread. It is designed to stir the pot.


I agree, I don’t think anyone should care. It’s just such a strange request IMO. Make whatever gender you want, problem solved. And as far as “gender neutral” titles, I genuinely have no idea what that means.

Count and Countess would be gender specific titles.
Slack-jawed yokel would be gender neutral

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How pathetic does your life have to be that you start seeking validation from a corporation?


Oh god, this creature is back.

really wish the mods would catch on and end their drama shows.

What, quintessentially, defines a troll if not consistency?

Otherwise, it’s just another idiot with an opinion.