New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Well if we’re going that route then let’s look at from this angle. You’re concerned about gender pronouns but not the rape that has actually been portrayed in the story before. I think logically speaking, you should get your priorities straight regarding what you’re concerned about.

Well that’s out of left field, I never once was bringing up rape

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It doesn’t matter, it’s in the game’s story. Why are you concerned about gender pronouns but not that (which has occurred canonically in the game’s plot and storylines)

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I remember the reason I loved video games so much was due to their ability to get my mind of real life, to go into a fantasy world and keep me away from reality for a few hours a day. It’s sad how these attention seeking trolls and pandering corporations are ruining everything that I love. Movies, videogames, books, tv shows. I’m not even 30 years old, yet I feel like an old man missing the old days.


This troll is so obvious

Why are you deflecting?

And how does what I brought up have any bearing on there being nonconsensual events in the game storyline? Murder is also bad…so not seeing your point.


Ah yes, we all remember those religious extremists like Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao Zedong.


I’m simply pointing out the double standards not deflecting in the slightest. Generally speaking it seems rather silly to be concerned about gender pronouns when we’ve had way worse stuff of a sexual nature in the game’s story.

Okay first off, i’ve never against this sort of stuff. Please stop acting like people are. If they implemented it tomorrow, i wouldn’t honestly care about it too much. I’ve came here because it OP trying to incite hatred.

Second, i honestly have no idea there was rape in the story. You might want to source that.

Thrid, are you trying to imply i’m okay with rape, despite me never experiencing that plot point in this game before?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

None of the two things you said are similar enough to where it’s double standard.

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I think they are going more for…

How do you still have forum privileges?
wiggles toes


Hmm, I don’t believe that my response was directed towards you. I’m more concerned about the double standard presented, if someone is religiously concerned about gender pronouns they should probably be concerned with these more serious topics.

Correction you fell for the average talonel bait thread that he does literally every week. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

The shadow council orcs did some very very bad things, Garona was not a product of consent.

Then there is that thing where Malygos made a red dragon his consort after she killed his original consort

Then there is the whole things with the orcs forcing Alexstrazsa to reproduce so they had dragons to ride.

While I appreciate your kind and generous offer, I am severely allergic to hazelnuts and accepting would, you know, kill me. I’ll take a cup of tea though!


Too bad, hazelnuts are awesome.


Either way, it’s a silly strawman to suddenly bring up out of nowhere to accuse to imply somebody of being okay with rape in the story, because they take issue with OP.

Rape and Gender Pronouns are nothing alike to be double standard.

Again, religion is used as an analogy…

And also, if you really want to talk about double standards, you do realize being a murderer is way worse then really anything? Because it results in a death of another person?..

True. Though to be honest, he does make us look better in comparison with his moral judging…

Fair enough. Vague, but at least it’s something i’l look up later and see. I’ve came at some point during Cata, so these bits of lore seem old.

Either way, the whole “rape” thing just seems to be bought out of left field for something that isn’t even sexual in any way. I mean at the end of the day, Gender Pronouns are labels assigned from the person who wishes to use them.

Murder is way worse.

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Speaking of gender neutral, it’s super jarring to see Blood Elves with a blue Allaince background on the forums!

I presume that if I approached from that angle I would’ve gotten the “w-well a-actually it’s because gender pronouns talk about things of a sexual nature and I don’t like that it in the game” but yes that is correct.

It wasn’t a strawman though, Mykrian approached me with the idea that he was uncomfortable with gender pronouns being in the game because of children hypothetically. So of course I’m going to respond with something way way way worse that has already occurred regarding the game’s story to point out that if you’re concerned with something as light as pronouns. You definitely shouldn’t be having your child play this game because well, we’ve already seen way worse stuff here.

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No I gave you a hypothetical which you still haven’t answered, just deflected with whataboutisms

The “con” in confidence, the “sin” in sincere.


I did answer it logically you probably shouldn’t be having your child play this game anyways because it has themes that are way worse than just gender pronouns. I understand you may not like the double standard being pointed out and therefore are crying whataboutism but I think it’s pretty fair to bring up the fact that there are way worse things for your child to witness in this game then someone that uses the pronouns “they/them”

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