New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase


Breastplate template
Shows one way for males and another for females or shows the same for both.
Do not want to delete template but not currently using it…neither.


Ehh, could be. Wouldn’t know for sure until we have more substantive information about it.

Welcome to role playing games, I guess.

I assume you’re the type of person who thinks comic book shows are also suddenly too preachy, or that anything that isn’t pandering to a straight white male audience is also political? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nobody has ever said “pandering to who isn’t a straight white male is political”.


Not directly. But nobody makes a fuss when a male character is ridiculously powerful, or when a dude kisses a lady in a movie. But you throw in two guys having a romantic moment, or a woman who is the most powerful in a diverse group, and people lose their minds.

IDK how often the term “mary sue” is thrown out unironically, but it’s been severely overused.

Getting upset over flexible pronouns has the same sort of neckbeard vibe.


The gender of the character doesn’t matter. If Nathanos was suddenly powerful like how Sylvanas was, the complaints would be the exact same. It’s more about the character and how they are written as who they are, and not about what they are.

WoW doesn’t do good romance writing even if it’s a straight couple. Malfurion and TY-RUN-DUH especially.

Ignoring people complaining about straight relationships, just to focus on people complaining about gay relationships (when they don’t even mind gay relationships, it’s just the writing, whether it be straight or not) is pretty disingenuous.

Again, they are complaining about the writing for how romance in general was handled in the game, not the two men loving each other…

And you do realize people had a problem with Thrall being overly powerful and practically been mocked as “green jesus” back in like Cata and such, right?

Jaina coming in with a magic ship in undercity is no different from Thrall finishing off Deathwing and using his shaman superpowers.

Mary Sue is referring to the character’s writing. Not gender.

I do agree it’s overused.

Nobody was upset at flexible pronouns. That was never the issue. The issue was squarely at the OP and his character, (not his toon, his personality and such) considering how often he uses topics like these to morally judge people with his “Either you agree with me, or your a terrible human being” attitude. Something is why i called him hateful on.

If the issue was ever at pronouns, it would be because OP didn’t clarify where exactly they are coming from or what source they are coming from. Hence why i’ve asked for the article for clarification on the matter.


Okay but when you pick a character you’re not picking a gender you’re picking your sex.

Gender is a social construct sex isn’t.


They never bring up their own intolerance when viewed from the lens that some folks have a religious problem with their choices. Intolerance is a two way street.


mayhaps I’m wrong but I’m almost certain that there is no religious material about gender pronouns lmao.

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It’s an analogy to describe how people treat topics like this. (Albeit, not an exclusive thing to apply that sort of practice too) Or simply say “there are unreasonable extremists that do more harm then good.”.

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Nothing flies over their heads, they are too fast and would catch them.


I mean do we really wanna go to the “both sides have extremes” route? Cause we got a pretty ugly line of history regarding religion in general.

The current young generation, on the whole, has been raised in such a bubble of “you are always right, do what you want”. This has resulted in a group of young people who are now moving into the adult world and they are coming to find that not everyone agrees with them on everything, and they have no ability to handle conflict or stress in a positive manner. So they inevitably kick and scream and lash out, rather than learning how to navigate the world as an adult. So we end up twisting society’s norms into all kinds of insane pretzels to accommodate them because it’s easier than just telling them essentially to deal with themselves.

This has happened before, and eventually things get back to normal. I don’t know when people will get a grip on reality, but it can’t happen soon enough.


I don’t deny that any side or any kind has an unreasonable extremist(s) that do more harm then good for their side or for anybody. As well get to near cult-like levels with them sometimes. Middleground, or nuance is needed regardless what side you are on. Or at least, don’t try to control people’s thoughts and let them think what they wish without morally judging them.

But can i ask, what is the point your trying to make by suggesting that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

the problem is the “both sides have extremes” insinuates they are quite similar. When religious extremists are quite literally advocates of torture, advocates of literal castration, advocates of ethnic cleansing and A LOT of things I couldn’t even say on the forums. objectively speaking there is quite an obvious scale of who’s worse.

And yet you seem to go to the furthest extreme in your example.

Take this example:

A WoW player comes to you and says that “Due to my beliefs I am not comfortable with nonbinary character options being around my children”. What would be your response?


The logical one before all else, look at the ratings and get your 5 year old out of here.

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They don’t need to be similar. It’s simply the reality of groups or sides in general. They will always have their extremes. Something that isn’t just limited to religion, but can be found in everything. Even something extremely minor like console wars.

Well obviously, yes, religion is much worse in this regard. Especially since some of them practice far worse then that. Like murder.

But while i don’t deny all of that, in terms of effecting the society around them, politics, general culture, etc has a bigger splash speaking and could effectively be even worse or lead to worse outcomes.

If say for example, some extremist think it’s a great idea to tax everybody 10%, that effects everybody from rich to poor. The Poor will be poorer and the Rich will be minorly unaffected.

If another say for example, some extremist think that you having even a slightest opinion against what they agree with is bigotry and they use that to try to get you fired from a job, that will effect people too, regardless of the fact if most of the people disagreeing with that person (not the idea) are good human beings. This thinking spreads and will only get more extreme further as we go to a point where saying anything wouldn’t be okay, despite how many times they also use the “Don’t be a terrible human being then” advice. Because what constitutes a terrible human to them is now different from what you might’ve thought.

Again, the only reason why he bought up religion is to use an analogy to describe unreasonable extremists that are very vocal.


I didn’t say young children…

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