New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Meh as long as I can tell what your toons model is I with traditionally ignore your buzzwords and use the he or she as I go by sex. Since gender is a social construct Ill stay with science and biology and refer to you as what your body tells me you are. A homeless guy can say hes the president of candy land. Ill nod and say sure thing sir. Doesn’t mean Ill start calling him mr gumdrop. Its not good to feed delusions and disorder. Science shows 2 sexes, since genders a bunch of whatever to you then its nothing to me. But you got your self titles and pronouns so be happy for and with yourself but don’t expect the average person to care about the virtue signaling.

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Even if Blizz wanted to, china has their own version and they decide what goes into it. Blizz can’t really do anything.

Even then I don’t care what the heck chinese WoW does nor do I see the point in thinking about it

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I think its just interesting to note that if Blizzard really cared they would force it on all their clients, regardless of their regional status.

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They’re seriously unable to even force china to do that

China gets triggered over winnie the pooh but I bet a lot of ya’ll still watch disney

And I just reminded myself Jim Cummings voices a lotta characters in WoW so that makes me giggle

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Yeah. It is always amusing to see how people unfamiliar with talk about a place I visit regularly and can get to in a few hours by car.

It is like me talking about how it is living in the US. Oh, wait, it is not. Because I at least have been to LA and NY.

Okay I’m tired. Can you elaborate what you’re saying here?

I’m seriously not trying to be rude. I just keep rereading this bit and my brain is just “Nope too tired. Abort. Retry. Fail”

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I know China. I have many friends and work partners there, and also here, being many of Chinese origin. Also in Singapore I have those, Singapore which bears a strong Chinese community.

And it is amusing the amount of crap people who might not even know that Shaanxi and Shanxi are two different places, not a typo, try to tell other people how China is and what it does.

Ah. Was not aware. Neat.

I’m just going by what I’ve glanced at online. If I end up with questions about China may I ask?

Might as well learn something and I don’t know anyone in that area. Just a little something for later.

China is a place like anywhere else, that bears humans and human problems.
Living there is not so different that living in many other places of the World.

IT is not that you walk on the streets and a CFR operative will be dispatched to follow you and intervene in what you are doing, or they will come to your door should you access a Hong Kong “protest stuff”.

Actually you can see live and uncut coverage of such issues on TV, and people are quite open to say a lot of stuff. Even the crap you see in US TV as well.

You also might cross paths with many Uighur, and it is like, yeah, people from China. There are many people from some states of the US that suffer more systemic oppression for being born in that State than Uighurs in China.

True. I was just curious if the rumor was true that chinese Kentucky Fried Chicken really did taste better than how it does in America.

KFC in china, like here, taste different. Chinese food in the US taste different than in China, or here. Thai food taste different.

In the US everything is like “US food in a given country style”.

But that is also true here. You will never get the American X-Burger here, even in McDonalds.

Neat :slight_smile:

Yeah my views on China may be a smidge warped after the last few years of politicians here trying to use China as a big scary bogeyman.

When people try to be all “But China won’t accept this in WoW so it shouldn’t be in the game” and I’m just reminded of some of the things that China gets a bit fussy over. Like the video game Devotion. The one that got removed because it had a leftover silly easter egg about the whole winnie the pooh thing.

Was I incorrect in stating that China has their own version of WoW that they control / filter stuff regardless of what Blizz wants? Cuz if I end up saying something wrong about it please, correct me. I insist.

China has some different views on religion and beliefs the west seldom respect.
To avoid people conflicting with one another, things are standardized.

It is neither political or moral the censorship. Yes, you can visit adult websites in China, the restriction is not based on being adult site, but what said website allows or not to be shown. You can use dating websites and one of the biggest LGBT+ (you know what I mean) dating sites in the World is a Chinese one that Chinese people are free to use.

What is censored is like the reference of the dead, undead, corpses and ghosts, because to Chinese people certain things depicted in WoW disrespects their culture, and therefor they ask that to be removed.

A lot of references are censored for cultural reasons only, and most of the Chinese people are the ones not wanting to consume content that disrespects their culture. You get a glimpse of that in the sense that Chinese people in general use a term for the 20th century that might be for westerners the industrial this, the technology that, the bla bla whatever good, for the Chinese it has only one name: The century of humiliation. Therefore they decided to take their respect rather than expect others to be respectful.

And the winnie thing, you are told to be a “easter egg”, but it is not. What I can tell you about it is that like many things, what western people talk about regarding China is mostly what China wants the western people to talk about China. And they are rather efficient in doing so. Soon the term “Persian Flaw” might be replaced by “Chinese Flaw”. Suffice to say no one really cares about the Obama Xi meme, or the idea that Xi resembles the Bear. What matters is that as soon as it was said it was banned, that was all that people was talking about, so there was a window to do a lot of things and no one would talk about it.

Just like Blizzard does here. While you are arguing if Zooval looks nice in grey, or Sylvanas should or should not be redeemed, a whole lot of things go unnoticed. Kinda the same thing.

Data mining suggests that there was never a block or censorship over the mention of Winnie or even the assertion that Xi looks like him. And I guess he must be one of the people laughing of the joke.

Ah. The “be tolerant of my intolerance!” canard. Charming.

In fact I have.

Teddy Roosevelt was a proto-neocon.



Your ‘reality’ does not have to be in WoW’s ‘reality’. The world of Azeroth might or might not include such things. I do not believe any statement was officially said either way however considering it has existed for 17 years and nothing supporting your idea appears to exist I would say Azeroth does include that thought process. I do not support merging real world issues with a game world that was not built with those issues in mind. Again, Azeroth’s reality does not have to mimic the Earth we live in’s reality. I would argue considering how dangerous Azeroth is that it is a good thing it is different from Earth.


Are you against black skin options for WoW character creation? Seeing how there’s no in-Azeroth population of dark-skinned humans anywhere, this naturally must be…according people of your mindset…an intrusion of our reality into Azeroth reality.

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People just cant get a break from all the P.C. and S.J.W., even in a video game…

It is exhausting sometimes to see posts like this. It is a game and don’t make a political or about ur issues in real life.

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It is not Winnie the Pooh that got China/Chinese triggered, but rather the use of it that had triggered the Party. People use Winnie as a nickname for Xi to indirectly talk about his amendment to the Chinese Constituion. Even in a heavily censored country, the amendment generated a huge fuss among Chinese people.

Are you trying to imply people only screamed politics when it’s a gay relationships? because you’re only talking about a small minority. The rest of the people are talking about the writing.

You don’t need to take those who aren’t talking about the writing seriously.

Treating people like actual people and not using them against people who isn’t even bigoted is intolerance to you now? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Mate, you can scream “I’m progressive” all you want, but it ultimately means nothing when your actions dictate who the kind of person you are. I’ve never treated people differently because of what they are, nor i made it matter. And i am not going to make it matter. You and everybody else on planet earth, are still a human at the end of the day.

You know which kind of group of people does makes it matter, divides people based on opinions in this manufactured tribalistic war and all the around, just terrible people? Fake Progressives and Bigots. It’s no different just because your positive about it.

It’s why i often credit the LGBT threads that are actually coming from a genuine place and willing to help out the LGBT, or don’t want to dive into the divisive side of things, as well those who are sick of people like Talonel speaking on their behalf without even asking him to do so.

Red Herring. Plus WoW, always had black (or dark) skin options since Vanilla. To imply it never did is disingenuous. :point_down: