New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Ahh, now the “I don’t see black or white, I just see people!” canard.

Charming x2.

You don’t seem to know what these words mean.

Plus WoW, always had black (or dark) skin options since Vanilla.

I did not say otherwise, so, your point is irrelevant.

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Is that literally a problem with you? Just seeing people as people?..

That doesn’t mean i’m ignoring the problems that are going on with the LGBT community and such. Ovbiously in some parts of the world, really needs to be equal. And there are still some jerks out there who are bigots. And if somebody is being bigoted against anybody, yes, i take issue with that. I take issue with hateful people of all sorts. Including Fake progressives, because they are in no different from bigots. Just nicer.

But to assume everybody or most is bigoted because they disagreed with you (not even the idea), just hurts the LGBT community instead of actually helping.

You literally switched to another topic on Aresia. You guys weren’t talking about races at all. Red Herring was perfect in it’s usage. Maybe if you didn’t topic switch, i wouldn’t call you out on that.


Your entire topic switch to race just to purposely make the other person look bad was irrelevant.



Within the lore of Azeroth, there is no in-game equivalent to, say, Africa. Thus, there are people of a certain…“supreme” shall we say, mindset about race who feel it should not be a character option.

I have a co-worker who thinks The Witcher show is ruined by too many persons of color, as there’s no in-world explanation for it. This person…and others I have encountered online, apply this to WoW as well.

The question posed was “if you have a lore problem with non-binary persons appearing, do you also have a problem with non-white player-characters.” It was quite relevant.

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Knowing full well that there is a high possibility you made this thread just to get a rise out of folk…

I agree with this part. That would be swell.

And your moving the goal posts here. :roll_eyes:

This is what you’ve said.

And this is what we had back then.

It’s also quite telling of you that you didn’t answer this comment. :point_down:

So i’m guessing you literally think it’s a problem to see people just as people. That’s not really progressive of you.

To those people, they should be already aware that the game has dark skinned options to begin with. It’s only going to be natural to see even darker options. (and not to sound trite, but the same goes with White as well, with Albino and paler)

But why we haven’t seen them alot is the same question you could ask for a majority of the shadowlands options that even feature customization options like wildhammer dwarves, dark green orcs, void elves as high elves and even Oriental humans. It’s something that Blizzard does definitionally need to justify.

I haven’t watched show nor played too many games, so anybody who is Witcher Savy will tell you. But from what i’ve gathered from the wiki here based on the trivia and Demographics…

Zerrikanian society is comprised of a number of ethnicities and races. While humans seem to be prevalent, the national language is at least partially derived from Elder Speech[6] and existence of dwarves and other nonhumans is not unheard of.

People are powerfully built, well adapted to harsh environment. Their skin tone ranges from swarthy (dark-skinned.) to black, and their hair from fair to dark. A common practice involves tattoing bodies each tattoo follows a code, denoting a specific meaning.

Both CD Projekt and Netflix took other sources of inspiration in addition to Iranic Scythia. In The Witcher, while Azar Javed bears a Persian name, he is of Arabian or African ethnicity; animals mentioned in game such as tse-tse flies and elephants are characteristic to Africa, whereas the Gardener’s tale about war alludes to experiences of American soldiers during Vietnam War. In Netflix’s The Witcher, Téa and Véa wield swords combining Congolese and Graeco-Roman features.

Either way, This is even less relevant from what you are discussing about previously.

No, it was just an attempt to make the other poster look terrible by trying to enforce a consistency that wouldn’t really work. How does having problems with non-binary means you also have problem with non-white people? This whole “question” of yours, just assumes the other person is racist because that’s what you think makes your point better. Just topic switching to racism all the sudden.

And the other person isn’t even bigoted towards anything, anyways. She just disagrees with Talonel. I do think the person whom your agruing against does make 1 good point out of her questionable or bad points. ( i personally don’t mind too much real world stuff being in azeroth, since we always had that, and it wouldn’t be a world ender. I do think it should come from a genuine place and not with an agenda. Like African humans customiation or Pelagos.)


Another term that you don’t really know, and where I’m going to stop reading, as I’m not going to give any more time to the phobias people have about non-binary inclusiveness that’s coming to WoW.

As they say in Blade Runner, “have a better one”. :sunglasses:

Seeya in a week.

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I don’t think you actually know what the terms are, since you are using that phrase too much. :laughing:

Well i guess you don’t need to be correct then.

Well that’s not progressive of you, calling people phobias because you can’t be bothered to debate with somebody who is actually progressive and don’t support hatred what Talonel does. But then again you support Talonel. :man_shrugging:

Also calling people phobes without proof is … well… :point_down:

Just saying, you two overusing the that word, just devalues the actual phobia.

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I dont know if Good is the correct term.

More like troll talonel at it again with troll threads to justify being toxic to people.


Really sad that people like Talonel is the reason why we will never have true honestly equality, and make the LGBT community look bad, since he seem to think what the person is matters so darn much and uses them against people instead of… you know, actually treating people like people. Something that he as well Tarc, actually honest to god, take an issue with. :confused:

At this point, he’s just lower then a troll.


Honestly I’m conflicted on who has the worst reputation at this point. Talonel or ragnaros server.

For the record I understand not all rag players are part of the collective but enough are that the servers reputation sticks to this day.

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Ehh, i’m not too keen on following what the server reps are. A good person is a good person regardless where they come from. A Jerk is still a jerk regardless where they come from. And so on.

I’ve never ran into too many Rag players though.

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Tab A - “I’m not a Tab, I’m a Slot!”
Slot B - “Well, I respect your decision to call yourself a Slot, but you still look ridiculous in those high heels.”

I think you brought up some points that I have trouble understanding too. Perhaps they’re are ok with being in boxes, as long as it’s the one that best describes how they want to be perceived. Hopefully it’s not for the sake of being special, but rather just acceptance.

Perhaps being lumped into a generic box, despite the good intentions, could work to obfuscate facts about them that they would rather don’t come as a surprise to others.

Being called a man comes with certain connotations that don’t define certain males, so perhaps they’d rather be defined as a gay man up front. I think what’s important there is that we don’t change the boxes, but our attitude toward the boxes.

Perhaps it was never about the boxes, but how they could be used to marginalize and ostracize.

Whatever that is supposed to mean.

Please don’t mistake that as a request for an explanation.

Point remains. And people seem to agree.

American interventionism abroad has at times been preceded by a suspiciously-timed catalyst. Teddy was involved in the first of these. I’m sure you can do your research from this point on. Good luck!

Please don’t mistake that as a request for an explanation.

Too bad, you get it for free. :sunglasses:

Point remains. And people seem to agree.

And people agree with me as well. Point?

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Gotta admit that’s a cool change. Wouldn’t mind the suggested bit either

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Agreed. The final responsibility for how someone responds rests with the responder. Not with you.

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Yep the Payer base is out of touch for BOF…errr I mean WoW

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