New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Oh there’s more.

Also, this comment which he deleted but i still have part of, as well Arkane has as well… :point_down:


Mine didn’t either and I’m likely older than your mom, yet I understand it because the science is out there and Google is easy.

Maybe I’m just sick of people acting like knowledge is something you can put a cap on like a full bottle.

We’re learning more about everything every single day.

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True however some parents are ridiculously stubborn

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Yet they keep failing at most of them. Often releasing a final product that seem incomplete.

If they would take their time they would be capable of making a memorable expansion.

I had to convince a friend of mine that gender isn’t a cut and dried thing because biology. Then, because she believed the science on it was decided back before the Eisenhower administration, I had to beg her to read some recent articles on why she was wrong.

Once she did she was blown away. Thankfully she’s not one of those people who refuse to believe things that don’t fit into her world view.

(Luckily her name is Karen, so when I tell her to “stop being a Karen,” she’s horrified and will go to great lengths to prove she’s not.) :hugs:

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Meanwhile my Mom still deadnames me. After 5 years.

tired sigh

I despise going slow with this but when I tried to nudge her to read up on new information it eventually lead to full blown arguments. -_-

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I am so so sorry!

Happy to be your online Mom. :laughing:

Thankfully she’s gotten a teensy bit better. But like I said. God I wish I had a fast forward button for this crap lol

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Hang in there. It’s your truth. That’s what matters. :gift_heart:

I’ve got a friend in a similar situation. Both parents very manipulative in their… disappointmet.

She recently had a zen epiphany after almost a decade of mind-numbing frustration. I asked her what happened to “give her the calms.

She said, “David Attenborough is my Spirit Animal.”
Me: “uhm… okay.”
She: “If a cat is on your lap that you’ve been petting for awhile, then decides to get down, you can’t be mad at the cat, even if you want it to stay so you can continue to pet it, because it’s a cat, and cats are gonna cat. It’s their nature.
Me: “Yes…”
She: My parents are like their own species which are going to behave the way they behave, completely independent of me. So when they behave in a way that I have found… hurtful and disappointing, I’m going to pretend I’m in the wild with David Attenborough observing The Wild Parents in the native habitat, and realize it has nothing to do with me, because it really doesn’t. They can’t help it. And I can love them anyway.

Not a bad way to look at it. (Even if they make me want to shake them into seeing what a remarkable human they raised.) I’m just glad she’s made peace with it.

However, now every time one of my cats jumps off my lap, I’m reminded of that conversation and think, hey, get back here… :blush:

True. I mentioned this tho somewhere here. She sometimes spots rainbow stuff and buys it for me.

She’s ignorant but its not out of hatred if that makes sense. At this point I just focus on other things and enjoy the more positive moments.

Its not worth burning the bridge on the one family member I have left. ( family drama basically made us all split up. Although I do live with my Mom )

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Makes complete sense!

More positive side to this is when I came out to my doctor he was QUICK to start using my new name along with the folks at his office.

It’s a nice reprieve

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Oh please, it was no worse or better then Jaina hooking up with Kalec and yet no one was screaming “politics” when those two ended up together.

People tend to respect you, when you respect them.
People tend to not respect you when you impose yourself to them.

The reverse is also true. IF you meet friends that are non-binary normative and you are, and in their environment, you are in the same position in relation to them. IF you are cool, you are mostly ok. If you start idiocy about the issue, they wont be as kind to you.

It is the nature of things. It would be a great deal of advance if western people learned from folks here how to deal with the situation.

I see people talking so much nonsense about China, India, whatever. Mostly, around most places here, no one really cares “who/what/which type” you are or want to be. They really dont care either way. Just dont ask for special treatment based on that though. Because if you come here with that crap you pull in the west, people have the right to not take crap from you, again, "who/what/which"ever you are.

I’d rather not get on the topic of respect.


The topic is about respect, or lack thereof.

I meant right this moment

Perhaps make your posts less inflammatory and your reputation won’t be in the gutter.


The current lore is this was never an issue, that Azeroth has been relatively accepting of LGBT+. And considering Azeroth is in danger of being destroyed every week, people caring about who you marry/how you decided to identify seem small and petty in the grand scheme of things.


I mean I figured it to be pretty manipulative and pandering since Blizzard will never add the feature to Chinas version of the game.