New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

A fantastic sidestep attempt, but an irrelevant one. Your concern, as stated, was a lore-centric impact of non-binary people suddenly appearing in Azeroth, where before there were none.[*] Surely the sudden appearance of tall orcs, after generations of hunched ones, would have a lore-centric impact. How did it happen? Are they cursed? Is it Fel-related?

Remember; you made this a lore issue. Not a game mechanic issue.

[*] For the sake of argument, we’ll set aside the reality that there are probably many players (RP and non-RP realm alike) right now who view their WoW chars as non-binary, despite being forced to pick one or the other in the creation screen.

Back surgery makes the most sense.

You can’t logically justify the alternative occurring naturally in lore. It’s a blatant step out of the fantasy box.

Sure you can, and quite simply. They weren’t comfortable speaking publicly about their gender identify. Now they are. Or, some people live their lives for years thinking that their own views on gender or sexuality are just too weird, so they don’t talk about it and just try to cope.

Then they may start reading about some things, or they meet someone else who is the same way, and they have a “eureka!” moment once they discover asexuality is a thing, for example.

LGBTQ, etc…people don’t just spring out of thin air; it’s a process of finding themselves. It works this way in real life, and would be just fine lore-wise in an MMO universe.


Reminds me of this

I can’t see that person’s quote but just so you’re aware, the person you’re arguing with is literally not worth your time whatsoever.

They unironically have a headcanon that the horde would have a civil war if one of the racial leaders was LGBT+

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Tell me anywhere in history where this kind of acceptance happened overnight…

Go be progressive in China and maybe Activism/Blizzard will listen to you.

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…They already are listening to us progressive players, but thanks?

Pfft. More like knee jerking to try diverting our eyes from the growing bonfire.


I should also point out that the OP is more interested in causing conflict.

Just have a glance at his post history via reoccurring topics.

I admit I’m not a saint but I’ll be less inclined to burn someone at the stake.


It is going to happen in-game whether you like it or not. If you wish to roleplay the opposition, just as their was opposition to black civil rights and miscegenation in the 60s, then feel free.

Just have a glance at his post history via reoccurring topics.

I am quite in agreement with the OP in said topics.

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Sigh if they want to open that can of worms then they’re welcome to. I just don’t see it ending well with their ahem current legal history and proceedings.

Then you haven’t seen him rant.


I’m not sure if supporting another person who uses people based on what they are against other people to spread their hatred instead of actually respecting people as actual people is a good look for you.

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Teddy Roosevelt is rolling over in his grave for what you people have done to the word “Progressive”.


Nah he’d probably be cool with it. He’d be more mad over global warming or people messing with parks

You’re being dramatic.

In a world where people are literally being enslaved, worked to death, dying because of IED’s, disease and starvation… You are in fact being overly dramatic.


They just don’t like me because I match THEIR energy and don’t back down. When they realize they can’t control me they get angry, even though I’m not breaking the rules.

They’re not out here trying to gatekeep every little bit of cis het themes from existing in the game since the beginning, but anything LGBT? That’s when they lose their damn minds.

Trauma is trauma. It sucks no matter the cause. To deny someones frustrations because “other people have it worse” doesn’t help anyone.

  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

Whoomp. There it is

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