New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

That’s why it’s sarcasm lol. Somebody needs to cool down the tensions here!

Hmmm. Troll, Goblin and Orc females look very trans already with their muscles and manly faces don’t they?

I clearly haven’t read the thread closely enough and was just reacting. My apologies :slight_smile:

Yes it’s the “playerbase” out of touch when the game creators apparently can’t even remember what was done in 9.1 a month ago for 9.2 development… (you can’t tell it cause of the pupilless shark eyes, but I’m giving somebody the penance stare…)

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To be fair. Even Metzen forgot about Falstad.

Heck I’ve had a few “OH MY GOD I FORGOT I MADE THIS CHARACTER” moments with my own stories lol


Just wave in their general direction, mumble incoherently and make a beeline for the bar.

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Hi Talonel!

How’s your holidays going?

Maybe for some, but I hate the writing regardless of the character’s sexuality the past few years.

I have seen better writing in self loathing poetry from teenage goth girls.

How did you know my general pattern for surviving a wedding? :open_mouth:


I mean, look at who posted it. This is all he does. Post these same stupid threads.


I hated malfurion and tyrandes romance in the early days and I hate it now, especially after legion. “Tyrande I need you!” “Malfurion my love where are you?!”
Gods both of them just need to be smoted to ashes already.

I’m only here to kill stuff, desecrate Graves, anger the factions by doing so and raise the dead. Not deal with mopey romance or what someone claims they “identify” as.

Hell the only semi decent romance if I have to choose one was arthas and jaina with kael’thas pining for jaina from afar.

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And then I had to come into this thread, and then think, I wish the cancel culture and the woke culture would stop taking over a video game.


Exactly. I get the want to add more dimension to the characters by adding a bit of romance but it just comes off so immature and amateurish.

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i have’nt heard of any gender customizations… they swappin the voices so that if you play a fem-character they can have a male voice and vice-versa?

edit: saw the thing on WoWhead. looks like they might be making the skimpy-version of mogs available to men too. nice.

Do black and brown people really play games? Im a brown guy asking.

No, I do not think that one has to, really.

Why does one have to justify it? In BfA, they let orcs be upright rather than just traditional hunched-over posture. Given this newfound choice, many people either rolled new orcs as upright, or went to the barber shop to alter their existing ones.

Were you as concerned then over the lore impact of a sudden influx of upright orcs as you are (allegedly) concerned now about the lore impact of a non-binary character?

Looking at the mess that has been BFA and SL since Legion, I’d say their writing skills hangs about Twilight saga levels of reek.

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I think there’s a big difference between back surgery and junk surgery.


You don’t have too. It is a customization option like any other. it just exists to exist. Though they have justified the night warrior customization in the BFA. And considering Shadowlands brought in tons of huge customization options like High elves for Void elves, Wildhammer Dwarfs, and so on, some of it does need some justification.