New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

Because the mods never look at context so they think Talonel is genuine.

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Talonel seems to crave attention more than anyone I have saw on here.


Good lord… again: complaining about timing is nonsensical. The alternative is Blizzard does NOTHING. Doing it NOW is leagues better than doing nothing. And it makes 100% sense for them to do it, as the devs are trying to make the game more inclusive of nonbinary/gender-nonconforming identities.

Hahaha implying that people wanting the option to choose gender identity somehow don’t prioritize a “Good game”… Talk about dishonest.

You’re clearly only interested in deliberately misconstruing points.

Opposing views like… nonbinary and gender-nonconforming identities are bad and should be ignored? Seriously, what else is the opposing view of, “We should be able to choose what gender our character is referred to as”?

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The fact he peaced out the second I actually started answering lgbt related questions says a lot about his actual goals


His attention craving might have to do with childhood development.

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Meh he knows the mods don’t pay attention so he abuses it.

“But my post was unflagged! I’m right!” nah fam, you just know the mods are lazy


He’s given preferential treatment.


Again he’s just wearing a “Uwu me lgbt” mask because the mods don’t pay attention.

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I don’t feel like that is something to be so happy about lol.

He just says that to make it seem like he’s the good guy.

Meanwhile he was rude to someone that said they didn’t understand non binary.

Ignorance on a subject is not always the result of hatred. Hence why I politely answered that person to explain it in a simple manner.

Edit: HOWEVER. I am aware of using rudeness as a defense mechanism. Something I’m guilty of. But the person not understanding non binary wasn’t being aggressive or hateful so Talonel was just being pointlessly rude


War can be construed as fantasy.

Some mentally ill people who don’t want to acknowledge their biology nor personal pronouns do not belong in a fantasy game.

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I’m gay–but I’m sick of people forcing “it” and “them” and “they” and “I am not a guy or a girl” in a game.

Like…we are not all male seahorses or born in test tubes.

Races have to procreate.

And also, fantasy races should not be given so many “real life” political correctness agendas or sayings or genders or whatever.

It’s fantasy.

I play it to get away from real life.


Technically speaking the OP is celebrating having a new colorful banner flapping in the breeze overhead while the stage is still on fire.

…somebody should point out the obvious…

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Was it news? I don’t seem to recall hearing about anyones relationship, that’s what I hate.

I do not care about your genitals or what genitals you take into your body

If people would just shut up about it everything would be fine, but nope, gotta bring it up. So they can enjoy that hate they catch

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And nonbinary folks still have working parts for that so that argument is silly

Also humans are not endangered. Worrying about population is kinda pointless

It’s becoming obvious that you can’t address anything in saying head on, so you opt to patchwork an argument together, attach it to me, then knock it down. As has been stated previously by other posters, this is a stawman.

I never claimed this, clearly, by your lack of context in quotation. What I was envisioning, personally, was employees that disagreed with the picture swap or the emote removal. We only heard from employees in support. Not a peep of dissent. I don’t think that is an organic occurrence. I think dissent is currently not tolerated or allowed from the primary narrative.

But go ahead, quote part of that paragraph and make another kooky claim and strawman it. We’re all riveted to our screens in anticipation.


That is your subjective opinion.

If Blizzard does this at any other time then now, it would be better received. Timing and context does matter.

You make it sound like it’s a bad thing to wait on it.

They only did it because they are in deep crap with the lawsuits and such. Also for somebody who said “I don’t care why they do it”, you seem to care why they do it, if it’s something you like.

I don’t think you know what dishonesty actually is. Maybe that happens your “complaining about timing is nonsensical” comment earlier. Pronouns are not a huge priority that is needed right now for a game being in this state, and i say this as somebody who loves the game. It honestly be for naught if they included them in, but don’t make the game good first. Not saying you can’t do both, i’m simply saying if the idea is inclusion, making the game good should always be your priority first, then figure out how to implement something like that in a way that isn’t intentionally divisive to people.

Most people don’t care about what the person is. They care about who the person is.

Your “Complaining about timing is nonsensical” and other comments like that essentially boil down to “context is meaningless to me”, is you simply projecting. I and many others take in the context and timing of the things Blizzard does, and to not do that will be disingenuous, regardless if it’s positive or not.

You can like the things Blizzard gives you, fine. But you are simply wrong for saying or implying “Context and timing does not matter” when it clearly does.

If Blizzard tomorrow drops a patch that suddenly makes something less grindy by 90%, it’s almost never out of because they think it’s what’s best for the game or players.

If anything that says about Blizzard unflagging his threads, it’s more or less saying “Were okay with this person being hateful to other people which in turn harms the community he’s apart of indirectly”…


A stage you’ve been giving money to for months on end while bitterly complaining about how terrible everything is.

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Oh no, somebody who likes the game, dislikes the state of the game and company. How dare they didn’t just shut up and leave. Oh my goodness guys. /s :roll_eyes:


Just in case the topic gets too heated

claps along