New gender customization options. Out-of-touch playerbase

JFC. Why are you being so dishonest? I responded to the guy’s post. I just said I’m not going to break it down line-by line. I also literally answered the “question” you just asked in my post. A) It doesn’t matter why the changes are made so long as they’re made. B) Welcoming the changes does not mean that a person is assuming the company is “fixed”. It just means that we’re happy that the game is more inclusive. I’m not sure why this is so hard to understand.

[edit] One more point to you: You mentioned Pelagos and the two Ardenweald unicorns as examples. I fail to see how adding gender identity options in character creation is at all different to this. It’s a change that hurts no one. It’s simply there acknowledging that gender identity doesn’t always match presentation.

So what’s your problem with the timing? Keep in mind, I’m not saying Blizzard has fixed everything. I’ve literally NEVER said that, and I think they have a long damn way to go. But it strikes me as rather odd that you take issue with the timing of this, considering they’ve literally said publicly they’re working to make a more inclusive environment. It’s entirely possible some devs have been pushing for this for a while and due to current climate finally got to add what they wanted.

Yet you’re here being mad about timing. The alternative is… uh. Doing nothing. Which is somehow better?

Acknowledging that people exist isn’t “identity politics”. Get over yourself.

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Its not politics until someone cant stand that people really just don’t give a fly fart about how you identify…and you have to complain about them not being ok with it having to be called out.


I have a genuine question. If 2 non-binary people wed, how are they introduced? :open_mouth: There aren’t any brides or grooms

Just skip the titles and use names?


“Partners” I imagine

And I just now realized all the NB couples I know aren’t really bothering with the whole marriage thing so I don’t know

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You clearly said aren’t ignoing the bad Blizzard has done, so you must know this isn’t done out of genuine kindness and know this doesn’t fix the company? I mean you are well aware of the message that sends if they do that this time and not any other time?..

It’s not dishonesty to ask you that question.

If you are not prepared to debate him and explain your points, don’t be surprised if he thinks your wrong.

You thinking it doesn’t matter, doesn’t mean people have to follow suit, or else otherwise, their a bad person.

While i can understand why somebody would want that, i don’t know how that makes the game more inclusive as a whole.

Me personally, if i had to make a game more inclusive i would start with “Well how’s the game for starters?”. A Good game will always attract people of any sorts.

And your failure to understand on why i bought them up is evident in your edit of yours.

Nobody said it hurts nobody. Please stop trying to use that strawman also.

Yikes, and you call me the dishonest one. Have you not been paying attention to the lawsuit and news about Blizzard? You should instantly know what he’s talking about. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm… No.

War is definitionally a political thing. Not a modern political thing (though that entails more then societal issues with human rights and so on), but political none the less.

Yeah, gonna have to go with that too. :point_up:

As well use a more gender neutral… “i will now pronounce you legally wed spouses.”


And now we welcome, The Raizul! Sounds pretty sweet actually lol :sunglasses:

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Ya’ll ever try these pickle flavored Lays chips? I’d recommend them. I’m just snacking as I’m reading

( Altho the mental image of Rosenivy somehow eating chips with their headpiece on in his mog is making me giggle )


Exactly, you’re right on the cusp…

What does Blizz benefit from if they implement this now rather than after the trial as part of a more comprehensive customization overhaul?

Vocal employee support. What does that matter, given the circumstances? If Blizzard can pacify the loudest voices internally that decry them as nonprogressive, as well as put out messaging through the media(like the recent Ion interview, which is lockstep with the narrative they are spinning) that reflects the same, they hope to gird themselves in positive support with plenty of voices ready to sing the praises of progressiveness, regardless that its all simple posturing and hollow signaling.

The departure of Jen O’Neil really gives it all away. This is a calculated PR stunt, and nothing more, and you:

… clearly fell for it.

The conflation was authored in your own mind, I assure you. I never stated anything of the sort. I think you’re getting the fictional politics of Azeroth confused with actions by Blizzard that affect the game that are motivated by an attempt to manipulate public and internal perception through political means, though.


The way I see it is this. The higher ups are the incompetent ones. But the creative side being told to do all this are at least giving it an honest well meaning attempt.

I support the art side while criticizing the business side. ( Altho Danuser is on thin ice lol )

The creative side reminds me of my Mom. She has a habit of spotting rainbow things and purchasing them for me as a gift. It’s a nice gesture. They’re trying. ( Mom used to have some issues about the whole Trans thing. She’s working on it )


Danuser is about to train-wreck Sargerus and Arthus in 9.2 if PTR holds true.

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Like I said. Thin ice.

He really needs to create his own characters instead of trashing preexisting ones.

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What’s going on?? I’ve been out of the loop for a few days

Color me skeptical, but it seems all too uniform to me… The messaging from the top seems to be the same narrative being followed for creative changes. I think there is a narrative coming down from legal, and everyone is to follow it, and any opposing views are to be aggressively locked down until this is all over.

I want to watch Metzen and Danuser in an 8 round UFC match: Winner takes the Lore. (Knowing full well that Metz would give the hands like nobodies business)

I’m happy for ya. I’m certainly cynical towards Blizz currently, particularly their ability to handle things like this with any semblance of nuance or grace, but I do hope that they’re able to cook up something the community can simply appreciate without having to second guess motive.

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He did.
They’re called Zovaal and friends.

Side note, it did annoy me how Kyrestia basically pours gas all over a fire and wonders why it’s spreading.

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That’s a you problem. Not mine.

People have done that to Blizz since the beginning.

I’m already clinically depressed. I don’t need to burden myself with all these “What ifs”

Believe me, the last thing I’d want to do is exacerbate that. I know the lay of some of those darker places too well for my own liking as well.

I’m simply stating what I’m perceiving and my rationale as clearly as I can; I have no intention as to burden anyone with it.

Just stating my viewpoint.

Pickle chips are the bomb. Following only All-Dressed(Crafty Canadians…) and Truffle chips as the Trinity of the Delicious Spud.

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And I’m listening. Sorry, the snark in me sometimes bubbles up.

I don’t get why these threads are kept up for as long as they are. All they turn into are one side of the issue yelling at the other side. (I am trying my best to put this as kind as I can as this is really really sad and just a bunch of unending drama)