New Fresh Start Realms with Wrath Classic

Those 2 flaws alone makes our group hesitant to even start on this ‘‘fresh’’ server. It feels like we had the perfect dessert in the making just to end up using vinegar and salt by the end of the recipe.

Is it possible to review those 2 points? I feel like transfers should never be possible on those realms unless coming from another fresh server. Boost should also be out of the question.

Awaiting your news before our group join the amazing experience that a Fresh WotLK would bring!



I mean one oce server got this kind of functionality for like a couple hours in SOM and omfg…the sky fell. One day fora few magical hours…regular classic could transfer to SOM on one OCE server.

as some had a good ole time taking full geared 60’s to the bg’s of SOM.

and that was jsut 1 server…in the oce. And it seemed to be the US peeps most up in arms about it. when they aren’t even on the server. and its oce…no pvp sharding in classic. This didn’t touch their SOM in any way.


all the mages at gold cap

why would we start over?

  1. Block ALL transfers to the fresh servers, if however you just have to have your server transfer profit (lol) then make it so people from other servers can not transfer their toon with items in their inventory nor bank and can not transfer ANY amount of gold. This will keep the economy fresh and prevent a large amount of inflation once the transfers are enabled.

  2. Bots, bots, bots, work day and night banning bots and gold buyers and keep the fresh servers CLEAN. If you see guildless level 70’s running in and out of dungeons in orderly fashion BAN them, read tickets, etc…

Blizzard you have the chance to make the best Wotlk servers ever all it takes is your effort and dedication. I believe you can turn the trainwreck that is classic wow around and these two things are all that’s required.


This isn’t going to happen until the WoW team stops using layering as a crutch. I see no way that players are punished for fleeing to mega servers, except that there’s no sense of community whatsoever in them. If the game artificially keeps the game playable with way too many people on a server, I see no reason why people are going to uproot themselves from the largest servers and distribute themselves among smaller ones where the fear of the server dying is always looming. Allow the playerbase to feel the pressure of the population, and just like osmosis, they’ll gradually disperse to lower pressure servers.

Fresh realms will help with this though, I think. They might not roll back the damage that’s been caused by the biggest realms devouring the vast majority of the playerbase, but at the very least, I see them spawning new and probably sizable communities out of thin air. I’m very happy to see the general direction things are going.

Couldn’t agree more. At the very least, I’d like to see that waiting period extended to something like 6 months. By that time, botting and cheating will have had more than enough time to already damage the realm’s economy. 90 days still allows way too much incentive for cheaters to flock to the realm(s) with hoards of mats and the transfer gold cap the instant they can.

I’d love to see some new rule instated where people can transfer after the 90 days, but they can’t bring anything in their bags unless it’s soulbound or something like that.


I promise you it has more to do with the amount of gold in the economy of the mega servers than a “need” for more realms based on population.

I think 90 days would be fine if:

  1. you can’t transfer with more than 1k gold and
  2. ALL non-soulbound items are deleted during the transfer.

It’s a stiff penalty but if someone really wants to transfer they’ll have to accept it


Its extreme but imho its the option on the table that actually achieves something. 90 days only staves it off.

Granted they said “at least” 90 days which makes me think they are going to collect data the first 60 or so and then adjust based on what the realms look like then.


If I dont know what’s in your head, I shouldn’t talk about it? It just seemed like you we’re saying a fresh server is socialism and that’s why a fresh server will fail. I couldn’t figure out how the dots in your head even made that line.

This is like asking your parents for an Xbox, and they give you part of an Xbox that has been sawed in half. Allowing transfers to the fresh servers from old servers at any point in time defeats the purpose of fresh servers.

Yeah, thanks for announcing this a couple months after the WOTLK announcement, so anyone who resubbed to prepare essentially wasted their time and money. Definitely not intentional right. :thinking:

There’s no point in having fresh servers if there’s EVER the ability to transfer onto them, 90 days will last what, maybe to Ulduar? Woweee then we have a completely ruined economy to look forward to again.

Blizzard has the reverse midas touch, everything turns to poo. How can you take a positive change like fresh realms and make it so awful?


in all seriousness


Great news! My hype for wrath classic is renewed!

The hype would be insanely over the top if LFD was put back in and incoming transfers banned forever but I’m happy as is with the news of fresh wrath servers. Finally some good news about wrath classic!


cool cool very cool

I think you need to read out loud what you just wrote, because it makes 0 sense.
They are receiving fresh server, unlike in your comparison, where you’re receiving a 2nd hand Xbox.

The more you know…

Okay how about this. You ask for a PS5 for your birthday, you get a PS5, but then 90 days later it transforms into a PS3.

Edit: In this scenario your parents are a multi billion dollar company and you’re asking for the privilege of being allowed to buy a PS5 from them, but they really want to keep making money from selling overpriced PS3 peripherals


It does make sense. Allowing transfers, even after a 90-day period is a massive blemish on this idea. When people want fresh servers, it’s because they want that server to exist in a self-contained state where it produces all of its own economy and community without external influence.

Allowing the transfer after 90 days just opens the floodgates for all of the cheater-farmed mats and some of the dirty gold from other realms. This completely undermines the idea of a fresh realm.

It’s not that people are ingrateful. It’s that they’re not really getting what they’ve been asking for.


It doesn’t. Try harder.

What about: cope? harder?

It does. You try harder.


It takes some players 90 days just to level up, get geared, and start getting fully engaged in the max level content.

Then boom, people who have had all content on farm for 90 days with hundreds of thousands of gold decide to transfer over.

That 90 day window killed these servers.