New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Not everyone has to agree with you.

No matter how uninformed you claim them to be.

I don’t think they make changes to improve this forum, most changes are like adding random bars that don’t go away, or changing the text boxes so they’re impossible to read while typing on a phone, or adding random pop-ups that cover other buttons and the x button is behind the random bar that doesn’t go away.


so y’all want to make profile shaming a forum esport?


Decline or block actually.

I don’t think we can, because their definition of “harassment” likely includes “saying something to me that I don’t like”, and the possibility of someone doing that is a feature of an open forum.

i mean, its the same with people not wanting to deal with alt hopping or ignoring ppl. its annoying.
i dont wanna deal with an annoyance. it’s alright if you dont understand, thats just my stance on it.
sorry i dont agree w/ full tags but i agree with alternatives.

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Honestly, I don’t care. So long as it’s unique identifier that cannot be obfuscated and ensures you can’t hide yourself on the forum, then it really doesn’t matter. It could be a btag, it could be a new account name we all get to create just for the forum. It amounts to the same thing.

Take this guy for example:

The above is classic example of a troll poster using a 1 post throwaway character in order to attempt to bait me. If this person was forced to use the same username everywhere, they would never have posted such obvious troll bait.


Well, everything here needs to be account wide in some fashion. I don’t care how as long as I don’t lose the ability to post on my actual character.

That’s ok Ard, I don’t really care if you don’t agree with me. But I’m not the one making up on how things works, Blizzard is.

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I just meant the specific scenario of “a bot creating a ton of extra accounts to spam the same specific target btag and overwhelm them with friend requests”

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So long as there is a “One and Done” permanent account ban policy for anyone profile shaming another player, I’d be fine with it.

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Why do you feel this would create profile shaming a forum esport?

Can you define “profile shaming” in such a way that a perm account ban would be justified? Especially in respect to other forum violations that do not have perm account bans attached to them.

Further more. Would you support “one and done” permanent account ban policies for people making “expert opinions” on content they have not done?

Would you support permanent account ban policies for making widespread disparaging remarks against people that play the game at a higher level? Or just more often?

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I highly doubt that actually happened, and suggest that a known unreliable narrator is being an unreliable narrator.

Naming and Shaming, or as you put it, profile shaming, or as they technically are called, “Call Outs” are against the rules. I don’t agree that they should be permanently banned if someone names and shames, but it depends on the severity of the post to what sort of punishment a person may get.

Well they must think things are fine since they have no input themselves.

That is based on your own opinion, and not on actual fact. We do not know what is happening behind closed doors. We do not know what is happening at Blizzard or Discourse.

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I would not be surprised, but I was giving the benefit of the doubt. That even if we say this did happen, its such a rare event it probably happened to only a handful of people in WoW’s entire history. And even then, it could easily be stopped.

So your thought process is to never suggest any changes to the game or forums, ever? Unless Blizzard specifically asks for your advice?

Will you hold to that practice?

We got Plundestorm and you’re convinced they listen to us at all?

There already is the option to disable bnet friends in account settings, if you’re really worried about such an outlandish scenerio.

So um
 what did I miss?

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