New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I think Maizou has told those blatant lies about how a Btag system would work so many times that they might actually believe them.


I don’t understand the issue. Decline and you’re done. :dracthyr_shrug:


If sending friends request was really an issue, why have an option to send a friends request in the first place? For all I know, you could’ve added Ayukama-Frostmourne to your friends list, and I wouldn’t even know that one, so if sending a BTag friends request was an issue, why have an option to send BTags friends request?

Problem is that in looking to curb the offence of harassment there’s the possibility that other potential breaches in security are being overlooked if we’re talking about using Btags as a tool for players to block, message or otherwise have universal access to users whenever they use anything that requires the Btag online.

It was rude for the poster to make the assertion that they did but on the other hand the way that these features have been requested for as being the catch all solution isn’t taking other posters concerns in considerably or respectfully.

A Battletag friend request you have to approve. I can add you as Moondoggíe-faelerina without your permission in game, see where you are at any time, see your name if you change it, message you without your permission. Mail you without your permission. You can’t do anything about it except put the person on Ignore, but that does not remove you from their Friends list of stop them from seeing where you are or what name you have.

I can do those things right now and you would not be able to stop me. That is why the current system is so much less secure and more open to harassment abuse.

Battletags prevent anyone from saying anything to you at all, without your permission. Harassment is terrible - and I prefer a much more secure system like the Battletags. I still want a char for the avatar though with cute mogs :slight_smile:


If you ask me, demanding blizzard fire someone over a joke in the april fools patch notes is closer to harassment than supporting a forum swap to btags is.

people long for the reddit mop and want to be killjoy hall monitor mods everywhere

literally who cares what someones user name is? base your opinion on their post based on what they’re saying

If people think adding a BTag friends request is harassment, I dare everyone to add mine.


What me decline every single request with one click of the mouse. Because it is not harassment to send any friends request, otherwise if it was, Blizzard would’ve included it for their in-games Code of Conduct.

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thank you so much for explaining why the forums need to be fully anonymous.

having our character name and server is just to intrusive


Which is why it’ll end badly.

so yes, fully anonymous user names for the forum is the best solution.

I am guessing you have not really been following the debates for a few months about the way the forum handles “accounts”. Nobody cares what the name is. We want the forum account system to see the Bnet account as the forum account not each individual character-server. One forum account per Bnet - not unlimited forum accounts as characters per Bnet.

Changing characters right now gets around Ignore. Changing characters lets people flag posts multiple times to falsely report others. Changing chars resets the post count/trust level and such which is frustrating to many people. Changing chars also allows a bunch of sock puppet drama which is just non productive.

This is not about someone going by Bob or Tom. It is about how the forums handle our posting account.

That is not what the OP started the thread as, but that is what most of us are talking about. Chars are already anonymous and so are Btags.


I appreciate how everyone is just ignoring the obviously blatant troll who popped in to show their support for anonymous posting.

well. ya’ll were until I ruined it I guess.


That user is not Blizzard, are they? They’re just like everyone else, a user using Blizzard owned platforms.

Oh, you want a fun fact, did you know you technically don’t own your account, Blizzard does. Which means even your BattleTag actually belongs to Blizzard. The only thing that does not belong to Blizzard is your actual personal private information.

What do you think a BattleTag is? A player-made nickname.


exactly, we should just have one username - everyone will be “anonymous user”

there will be no more changing characters or anything like that.

Oh yes, lets give trolls even more ability to troll. Oh wait. Looking at who you are, YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE TROLLS WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO FULLY IGNORE ALL THE TIME


That is my current plan. I already had dinner and their bait is really boring.

Really good dinner actually. Beef stew made with oven roasted root veggies and roasted garlic. Fresh home made crusty bread.


I don’t get how people can still be so misinformed in relation to BattleTags and their functionality, despite Blizzard has all the information made clear in Support Articles.


Counter point.

That issue can easily be fixed on the back end.

We can have both. Btags and stopping your extremely rare issue that happens to maybe 1 person every 5 years.


now hear me out here. Or
 there’s a very good reason.

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