New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

“They dont listen to me personally, 100% of the time. Therefor they never listen to anyone ever”

That is not a take a rational person makes.

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Don’t think they can hold it to practice.

Sorry Vrak.

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A rational person can take one look at Plunderstorm and assume that their priorities are very different from what’s being requested on here.

tbf they barely wanna step foot on these forums most of their crap is on twitter. we cant even get them to post in the correct forums. like these forums are probably not in no way priority lol like im sorry

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Being able to swap toons for legit reasons like avoiding a troll or stalker is a great things.
Having your bnet attached to every toon you post on would make that impossible.
This has been already covered at length in other “we need btag” threads.

I’ve never flown a helicopter. But if I see one hanging from a tree, I know something went wrong.

The trolling has to end somehow. If asking players to not do it doesn’t work, then taking away their means to do it is the only option left.

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I don’t know, but this conversation is giving me a serious case of deja vu :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Only if you have a very narrow view of things, and intentionally want to bash Blizzard.

I get that being anti-WoW is a huge personality trait for many people.

Ok. Nothing to do with anything I said. Seeing a helicopter stuck in a tree and assuming something is wrong is not an expert opinion.

I agree. Which is why I support Bnet and banning people who make expert opinions on content they do not do.

You are here asking for more trolling and to give trolls more means to do it.

  1. There is a such thing as ignoring.
  2. You can not actually stalk anyone using a BTag.

If you’ve been keeping score they make it pretty easy.

A good chunk of the gaming community quietly does want WoW to fall over.

Still checks out.

No. You and the rest are very very loud.

Nah, it absolutely requires living in a delusional realm where you refuse to admit anything positive.


Unless you know someone whose already friends with the person you want to follow.

Can you expand on this.

How are you stalking said person.

I’m not stalking anyone.

Ok. That is my bad for giving you an overly literal statement and expecting there was an assumed understanding.

I will rephrase.

Can you expand on this?

How would someone use that to stalk said person?


Strictly in the confines of WoW they could talk to a guildy who has their details and pass it on, allowing access to the user around the clock.

Depends on what they want to do with said information as not every case is universal.

So um… I see this is going places.


Yep. Going straight to 404 land is where it’s going lol.


So in your example, its actually a different person stalking. Its the guildie (not the ignored/blocked btag person).

Ok. I am asking for any case where someone can use btags to stalk a person. Specifically through another friend they are btagg’ed with. I am pretending like this is a realistic scenario for the sake of argument.

So far you havent outlined how it could actually happen.

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Ugh, sounds boring. It should be going to the magical land of “DELETE THREAD!”

You could also enter a guild through the guise of another account, as elaborate as that could be.