New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

I don’t mind Btags, as long as I get to choose what character I post on.

I really enjoy this name and sadly i can’t migrate this name to a higher pop server because Phoenix is taken on pretty much every server (the correct spelling). So it leaves Phoenix to pretty much be a forum posting main.


As I said, I don’t want full battletags.

I have been a victim in the past when I posted my battletag publicly of someone creating a bot (presumably cause I really hope someone didn’t spend that time creating accounts just to harass me) to create accounts and spam friend requests.

“Just ignore them” - no. I shouldn’t be open to harassment because of this. No one should.

I am fine with partial battletags like if my Btag was Maizou, then Maizou#12XXX instead of 12345. Or even a single name for the forums, displayed alongside your character name. But full battletags? Naw.

I understand a lot of the people in this thread don’t believe I was harassed or think it’s “easy to solve by just constantly declining it” and honestly I don’t care. I know what I went through, and I don’t want to go through it again.

There’s zero reason to do full battletags when it opens people up to harassment, when partial battletags, or a forum identity accomplish the same exact thing without the opportunity for harassment being created.


I know people who are obsessed with harassing and stalkers others on here and I bet they would LOOOVE a feature like that. Cowards!

We are as anonymous as can be already imo

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Did you realize it’s already publicly available in-game? All anyone has to do is send you a friend request, which gives them access to your battle tag, as Blizz already considers it public information.

Battle tags should absolutely be full if they use them so that people can’t pretend to be you by changing theirs to be virtually the same (if, for example, it’s just the numbers that are not shown).


If you have to find me, click me, and send an invite, that’s vastly different than simply typing my battletag into the launcher and sending invite. One has to manually find the person and request the invite, the other can be spammed.

One is sending an invite. One is potentially harassment.

Sending a btag invite to someone does not tell you their btag unless you accept.

Also, good to know an MVP supports harassment.


Oh? You think the forums are a cesspool now, wait until you turn it into 4chan.


overreact much?


You really do have a nasty habit of putting words in people’s mouths don’t you?


Get a grip. :roll_eyes:


Please show where I supported harassment. I’ll wait. And absolutely send that feedback if you feel that’s how it sounded.

I actually really do believe that the battle tag system is SUPERIOR at blocking harassment than that of the current garbage where all someone has to do is make a new character.

I’m 100% against harassment, which is why we need to move to a better system like having our battle tags on the forums…just like EVERY other Blizz forum uses. So go ahead and tell Blizz that I support b-tags and that you disagree with them and think it supports harassment. It really doesn’t.


No reason to change how we post on our characters. Whatsoever. WoW is different because we have different characters. This isn’t OW. Just put the Btag under our name.

I don’t need seven thousand Thallias posting and me getting into trouble for what I say and what they say. :stuck_out_tongue:

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i love this idea.

all forum posts should be 100% anonymous

ill be fine with partial btags but NO to full. i don’t want ppl to randomly add me without permission esp on these forums. if it said moondog#580xx
ill be OK with it but nothing more thatll extend the possibility of ppl wanting to troll add me or whatever.

no, even partial btags are a bad idea.

i support the OP: we need full anonymous posting.

No one can randomly add you. You have to accept it first.


i don’t want them to send me anything, not even a request that’s what i mean by adding

It’s something simple to do, but it’s a barrier few are going to bother going to the trouble to get around.

Battletags aren’t a perfect solution, but making a new account is much more of an investment than simply switching characters.

exactly! this is why our wow forums need to be 100% anonymous, zero names attached to any posts…

when you post, all it should say is “anonymous user”.

yes, this is a very real issue and the reason why we cannot have btags on the forums.

we need full anonymous posting.

You do know you can not technically harass anyone through BTags. Like, the worse that can happen is a friends request, which isn’t harassment, and you have one of 2 options if recieving a friends request, either accept or decline. Apart from that, nobody can really harass you.

Character-Server how ever, people can add your character-server as a friend, and you won’t have any knowledge of it. You won’t even know if someone has added your character-server as a friend.

There is a warning window when sending a BTag request to someone, which yes, will tell you someone’s BTag. Don’t even have to accept.

That is a bit harsh, don’t you think?

So much this. I rather continue having an option to post from the characters, as for multiple reasons, one of which, sometimes class forums and roleplaying.