New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Ahh then we can rule that Btags being the updates that Vraks mentioned was disinformation.

Therefore making any claim of it being the update disinformation.

There are numerous anonymous post websites online, they’re usually incredibly toxic since peoples horrid messages can’t be connected to them

So we have evidence on how this would be a bad thing and do nothing besides support a more hostile environment

Unlike any of the pro-anonymous claims


overwatch two have a streamer mode to make their btag randomized during gameplay.

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Why you rephrasing my quotes?

I said this:

check link below.

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Do you think the game is the forums?

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Ugh, this thread does need to be closed. It has turned out into a full one mind-blown argument of harassment with “BTaggers this, BTaggers that.”


Whoa?! What? Wait, wait
 you’re joking, right?

You do the exact same to me in the other thread.


No. When we are talking about what Vrak said, we are giving our reasonable interpretation of what the text means.

There is no willful intent to deceive with verifiably untrue statements, like the claim that btags enable harassment.

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It won’t happen though. Trolls always win.

Afraid not

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Sharing your BTag is not sharing anything personally identifiable. Try again once you learn what words mean.


Idk if all Btags have this I don’t pay attention, but mine has 4 seemingly random digits at the end of it.

If all Btags had that, we could do Btags and blue out the last 4 digits, or something so you wouldn’t have to worry about random people adding you really unless they made an incredibly good guess

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100% correct.

People have tones in writing as well. Mannerisms, what type of threads they post in, who they interact with. People have all kinds of “tells”.

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Then stop claiming that Btags is the update.

You’re falsely interpreting what Vrak said.

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I’m jumping into the mix here, but 1) why would you post on multiple alts? (Is it in RP thing, say, in the Tavern?)

and 2) if the forums moved to a btag posting paradigm, it wouldn’t necessarily be with characters, but with a forum avatar (like the d3 forums). Thus, if it had my btag, you’d not immediately see who my toons were (d3 does this, but presumably you could also hide profile there, too).

I mean, there are many examples of how the exact opposite ends up being true.

yes because this thread is made from an honest and genuine desire to make the forums a better place for everyone.

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Nah, it will happen. If flag the correct post, and not engage the behaviour, then action will be taken against those.