New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

They can’t do anything with BTag that they can already do by stalking people on the forums.

account wide ignore is actually a terrible idea. What if person would like to appologise?

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well there is no way for people to tie mains to alts on the forums without btags.

so no, thats not true.

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I disagree with the idea, but how in the world is it any of those three???

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Read the thread.

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I dont think you should trust me with a power tool.


There’s no way to know what my alts are just by knowing my BTag.


It’s electric youll be fine.

Just mind the wasp nest though.

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yes i could see all the alts you posted on and they would display the same btag.

The other person you (not you, the person being blocked in this scenario) harassed is under no obligated to listen to you

I’m sorry if the idea scares you


OMG, you’re really showing your other sockpuppets with this post.


Forget them lol.

Now you remind me of Cee Loo Green. Good times. :drooling_face: :ok_hand:

blizzard tip: “a little kindness goes a long way”, why you need wide account ignore? Suspicious.

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yeah i believe account wide ignore really isn’t necessary.

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Nope. All my characters would be replaced with my BTag. I wouldn’t be any of my characters anymore. So I would be safer from stalking with a BTag system in place.

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Because the person showed nothing but terrible attitude and hatred

They showed they have 0 interest is any amount of kindness, so people should have the right to not deal with them


but everyone says that they would want to keep the ability to change characters for RP purposes on the forums…

Yes, I’ve seen those - I just don’t sense anything but honesty here. Maybe I’m being naive. ty though, for the answer

So i dont have to keep sticking someone on ignore.

God forbid i dont want to hear from someone again.


really a terrible idea for the MMORPG …