New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

Those are a bunch of different accounts, yes? Not the same person?

sorry my mistake - only 18 months and a little change.

hasn’t reached the 2 year mark yet… but it will soon …

cool cool cool cool cool

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Yeah I’ve seen all I need to see to know exactly who that is…off to ignore land.

Well when the same 3 people get on their multiple alts and brigade flag posts to get them removed…

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If it was more recent, they would’ve linked it by now.

That they haven’t tells me they’re still leaning on the older off hand comment, which is a huge leap to make for Btags.

So, tell me why they haven’t disabled b-tags in all their other forums? There are a LOT of other forums for Blizz games that use them. WoW is in the minority. You’re welcome to ‘assume’ their intentions for removing a thread and try and pretend it’s to support your cause, but they’re on record stating otherwise.

This thread is such sad space. Think it’s time to ignore it.

Good luck to those who support this horrible idea!


posts arent removed because they are flagged. moderators look at the post and make the decision whether or not to remove…

this thread has been flagged and restored.

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My point is, posting Twitter links is not against the rules. I’ve explained this to Zen on the purfose of the link and asked him to prove it where it’s specifically against the twitter links. The burden of proof is on him to prove i’m only doing it for personal gain.

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Gasp! You mentioned Twitter! That’s advertisement according to the sock puppet!

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when you are advertising your twitter to get personal gain from extra views


Mods look at posts that are flagged. The more flags the more likely they are to scrutinize it. Your troll game is weak.

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What personal gain? You’re vastly overestimating the importance of Twitter nowadays.




Incorrect, fale claims and missinformation.

because blizzard might be already considering this because in overwatch2 they implemented something similar in-game.

Elune Adore!

a really skechy statement from MVP to be honest.

That topic vanished from forums.

they did something similiar in overwatch2 ingame play.

WoW is their best selling game and a gold dig since day 1.

i really do not get why mvp acting so nasty.


Ahh, wait until they see mentions of discord. Their brains will melt, lol.

yes, so this thread was flagged and hidden multiple times - that means, the moderators looked at it multiple times and every time it was hidden, decided to restore it.

the moderators looked at the btag thread one time and decided to remove it.

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It’s hilarious watching you switch back and forth, very slowly I might add.


no one profits from discord server links in the same way that an owner of a twitter account can profit from more views.

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That it has been flagged and restored lends some credit to the merit of the idea.

Otherwise they would’ve closed it, its obvious that Blizzard runs this forum on a very different basis than what Btag supporters claim it to be.


because btags will create more toxicity, stalking, etc. we do not need that.

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They’ve probably restored it because they saw that it was getting a lot of traction and a lot of people already rebutting against it that deleting it wouldn’t matter. As they say, someone being wrong is not a reason to report, so people have been perfectly fine letting players tell them they are wrong without needing to close the thread.

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