New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

ask ayukama about the other btag threads if you don’t believe me

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Sorry, did they remove b-tags from all their other forums? No? So they still agree with using b-tags…cool cool cool cool.


Yikes … guess I’m starting not to keep up between the real and the nonsense, and who I know is a regular.

I find it impossible to take anything a sock puppet says seriously.


I can still see them first off.

Even ones stretching back to 2019. lol.

hmm i don’t know about that, have they stated anything publicly about this?

and something more recent than 2 years ago

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No just like we can tell here your grammatical and writing style would be obvious even when anonymous. People don’t like you now we still won’t like you if you were an even more anonymous hunter.


Ik, but i’m the sort who wants see it first, ya know?

That will be amazing news if it does happen. :slight_smile:

They do, it’s called Battle Tags.

To be completely honest, letting this thread keep going is probably helping people. Maybe not the people trying to get anonymous posting, but people trying to get trust level three.


Didn’t a Blizzard employee get harassed in real life when they tried this when he said it isn’t a big deal and posted his real name?

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In the CS forums. A blue post from Vrak. I’ll let you dig it up…just like the people who are FOR this terrible thread want everyone else to do the legwork too support it.

Show me a single post from a Blue who says that they’re FOR a completely anonymous forum. I’ll wait…I’ll die waiting, but I’ll wait nonetheless.


that’s over 2 years ago. cool cool cool cool cool cool


All their other forums currently use it. That’s a HUGE statement. They’ve said that they want to make this forum more like the others.

Find me a post from a blue that states otherwise.


I’d still like to see the evidence of this.

Alright, fair enough. :+1:

Maybe atfer some BK dinner, i’l dig up and find the blue post in question.

well it seems as though all the btag threads get taken down quite promptly, that’s quite telling i would say.

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You keep making this claim despite only having proof of a singular thread being deleted.


Search harder. It was much more recent. Nice try though. C+ for effort.