New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

With the bonus points of using the browser console to edit what another person said to paint them in the worst possible light, then taking a screenshot…

Which is a thing that happens, sadly.

So you’re saying it’s advertisement to link to a Twitter thread made by Blizzard?

what is hilarious? i was just stating a fact:

this thread has been flagged more than once and every time it was flagged, it was restored.


If it’s really against the rules, how come people don’t get in trouble for it?

She doesn’t look like a new character. What am I missing? I see 1226 posts &

what did I not see?

how do you know they didn’t?

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You stated an opinion. Seriously, this sock puppet thing is boring. Nelfas needs to stop pretending to be different people to support their agenda.


its not my opinion that this thread was flagged and restored - that is actually a fact.

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So, explain how you know you don’t want to read something without reading it first? That’s ridiculous that you don’t think someone should just be able to block the poster, who they know they don’t want to hear from, instead of some stupid anonymous poster who they have no choice but to read first and then still can’t ignore because they’re anonymous.

This idea is absolutely one of the worst in existence. I’m glad that Blizz has made it clear that it’s not happening and that we’re moving towards a b-tag type system…JUST LIKE ALL THEIR OTHER FORUMS!!

I also love it when people misinterpret the CoC. It’s really not that hard to understand. Posting a link isn’t advertising it. Posting a link to a monetized youtube, or to a gold selling site…sure. To a twitter post? Highly unlikely. But report away.


didn’t blizzard just remove a btag thread earlier today, though?

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That’s a different topic here.

If you’re willing to post on a website that is public for everybody to see, you should accept people will screencap what you’ve said and share it around. Something i’ve fully accepted.

And if they do edit things, well guess what? people will find out.

Perl, thank you for jumping in to save the day :purple_heart:


They’re talking about the dragon, not the Night Elf

Really? :open_mouth:

Where they said that?

No, it’s your opinion that me typing something doesn’t make it true. Now get back on Nelfas and stop switching around.

they havent said it.

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Lizard. :lizard:

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A single thread. Which you claimed was one of many.

Bari, don’t ask, just accept the facts that Perl knows a lot more than use regular plebs do.

No they wanted RealID… I’d be down with that. I used to be against it, but the forum activity in the last year has made me sooooooo much in favor of it.