New forum function - posting anonymously, as Anonymous

My shoe size is already an outlier for me, you can narrow me down by my clown feet!

Just say you’re from the planet pluto

That’s how chat works in Plunderstorm. It was fine to me.

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Ya must if we have to keep ignoring you when you hop alts

The and then is gettinf old.


But Pluto apperantly isn’t a planet anymore, considering I grew up learning it was a planet.

Pluto will always be a planet in my heart


stop believing that nonsense! science is filling you with lies and slander.

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I’m not a btag advocate (account wide ignore is another story) but I don’t really see how it could be more anonymous than it already is. Are you saying we should be able to post under some kind of generic “guest” identity? Why?

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Yeah, it is how it works Battlenet wide overall. You can call a character whatever you want, but your Battletag/Gamertag is the same across games for that company.

I really don’t care if someone uses the Battletag Anonmoose123 or any other made up name - that is what they are supposed to do. I just want to be able to Ignore them and every single one of their characters. I very rarely do that, but when I do, I don’t want to talk to that person again. Not on any character.


Pluto is a planet?

I thought he was a dog.

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Dog? oh no my reflexes are about to




If GD went to battletag I’d miss using Squeaks McGee as a name.

I’d miss that so much. My btag is boring.

It’s still a planet. Politics tried to make it something else but they changed their minds a bit later after it became obvious no one cared what they thought.

No it’s not lol. It also had nothing to do with politics, it was scientific classifications based on what Pluto actually is. Thing is smaller than our Moon for crying out loud lol.


Stop being PLANETIST!

/cries for pluto


The overall community cannot be trusted to do this maturely, without abusing that power.

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well she isn’t suppose to call out on that there was a recent post by vrak saying it’s against tos

There is a reason I post on this character. When they do get around to changing it to Btags, which they eventually will, it changes exactly nothing for me.

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It is definitely not a planet and it had nothing to do with politics.

Pluto became a dwarf planet in 2006 after the similarly sized Eris was discovered. Because so many dwarf planets existed and the likelihood that more would be discovered, they changed how planets are classified to facilitate how we handle new discoveries. Pluto wasn’t even the largest dwarf planet, Ceres is and it was discovered 129 years before Pluto.